Woody Biggs describes himself: “As born and bred North Carolinian, I grew up in eastern NC and have lived in Raleigh for 30 years. I have seen the astronomical growth here and the good and the bad that comes with that. I love our city and want it to be the best it can be and a safe place for all residents.”
Woody delivered the following remarks at the September 12, 2023 City Council meeting:
I like to give credit when credit is due. RPD for the last month has increased its Glenwood South presence with more officers and cars with flashing lights. It can only help and it’s a start. So thanks to the patrolling officers, Chief Patterson, Captain Bowen, Lieutenant Manukas, and anyone else behind it.
However, the second weekend of this enhanced presence we had a nice young man named David Millette fatally assaulted at the corner of Glenwood and Johnson. Just this past summer we had 5 shootings in Glenwood South and 2 on Peace St just outside of Glenwood South. So unfortunately, I think we will see more deaths in Glenwood South.
For years now, Glenwood South has been known as the place to come party hard and create havoc. I understand we now have a big problem with teenagers coming from other towns and they can’t get into the bars so they are just out on the streets causing problems.
I now want to read a letter to the editor of the N&O by a Mr. Mark Molinaro.
I have been going to downtown Raleigh for 40 years. Recently in a 20-minute walk with family at 5pm from the Convention Center to a downtown restaurant and back, we saw drug dealing at Hargett and Wilmington streets and a woman randomly punched and knocked down by a homeless man. The next week there was a stabbing in Moore Square. Downtown is the least safe it has ever been. Female friends worry about walking there alone due to harassment/crime. We’ve seen what has happened to downtowns in Portland, Austin, Seattle, Baltimore, and even Asheville when political leaders do not support enforcing the law enough. Raleigh’s mayor and council members may be supportive, but they certainly aren’t doing enough. Raleigh will lose businesses and residents if this is not fixed. There are plenty of examples to know what’s coming.
Excellent letter, I could not have said it better.
I was going to talk about the private mercenary force the city is going to use for the Moore Square area but it has been talked about with previous speakers. I would like to add that I don’t know why we are not using that money towards the hiring of new fulltime officers. This city needs more RPD officers.
The shirt I am wearing tonight I had made for and wore to the July meeting. It reads I went to Glenwood South and made it out Alive. Unfortunately, David Millette did not. I wear this shirt tonight in memory of David and as a reminder of the price he paid just for going out to Glenwood South one night.
You can read Mr. Biggs’ previous comments to City Council here:
Glenwood South can control the noise and still thrive
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