Woody Biggs describes himself: “As born and bred North Carolinian, I grew up in eastern NC and have lived in Raleigh for 30 years. I have seen the astronomical growth here and the good and the bad that comes with that. I love our city and want it to be the best it can be and a safe place for all residents.”
Woody delivered the following remarks at the July 5, 2023 City Council meeting:
I have been coming here since last year to talk about Glenwood South vandalism, brutal assaults, stabbings and gunfire.
Tonight, let’s talk about the recent shootings and gunfire into a condo. On Sunday June 11 th around 1:45AM about 50 rounds were fired with three people injured on West North St. This would have been three murders but the shooters had bad aim.
Approximately one hour later about 50 more rounds were fired on Jones St. between Glenwood and Boylan with one round going into a 222 Glenwood condo. The condo incident did not get any news coverage to my knowledge even though both I and the condo owners contacted WRAL. That weekend RPD confiscated 14 guns in Glenwood South.
About 3 years ago a source of mine in the city told me higher ups in the city had no interest in doing anything about Glenwood South. Why would that be? Tax revenue on alcohol sales? Campaign donations from bar owners? What? What is more important than a human life because that is where we are now.
I saw a Raleigh couple at the beach last weekend and the husband said it is so sad what Glenwood South has become and said this doesn’t happen by accident. He said a city lets an area get so out of control.
Raleigh citizens do not think you are doing anything about this issue. People in Raleigh want a safe place to live.
In honor of what the city has let Glenwood South become I am wearing a t-shirt I had made. It reads ‘I went to Glenwood South and made it out Alive.’
I was on a webX call two weeks ago and an RPD captain told us Glenwood South is dangerous. Again, for the cheap seats in the back RPD says Glenwood South is dangerous.
What the city is doing isn’t working as Glenwood South is getting wilder and wilder and now dangerous.
Can the city not call a state of emergency and install a curfew on Glenwood South bars until you can get a handle on the situation? Have you thought about bringing in someone from the outside with more knowledge on how to get a handle on the chaos of Glenwood South? The city needs to do something different from what it is doing as the situation has spiraled out of control.
You can read Mr. Biggs’ previous comments to City Council here:
Glenwood South can control the noise and still thrive
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