Time to Prioritize People in the City Budget

Time to Prioritize People in the City Budget

Community engagement for the 2025 / 2026 Raleigh Budget has started. I attended the first virtual session in December, not October, thinking that they would actually engage with the audience. Instead, input was gathered through a number of questions, rather than an informative session and discussion with the public to gather more information about resident priorities and needs. My session had a well educated audience, yet little time was afforded for actual public input.

Raleigh’s Community Engagement Office knocks it out of the ballpark!

Raleigh’s Community Engagement Office knocks it out of the ballpark!

Raleigh’s Community Engagement Office held the first Engage Raleigh: Community and Neighborhood Expo on Saturday, September 7. The Expo was a great networking opportunity that brought many community organizations together for the first time with departments from the City of Raleigh.

CACs are back, or are they?

CACs are back, or are they?

The RCAC and CACs look forward to establishing a workable partnership with Council and staff in an atmosphere of trust and transparency that benefits both the City and its residents. CACs have a historical place in Raleigh’s past. They were created by Council action and have served as a valuable resource to the City and community. There is no other voluntary community group that has that distinction.

The Way Forward

The Way Forward

The public is losing faith in government. It’s time to step out from under administrative control and voice your independence. Listen to your electorate and be more reflective of public input.