Approved operating and capital improvement budgets by a vote of 5 to 2 with Councilors Black and Jones voting against.

March 19 City Council Meetings

March 19 City Council Meetings

HIGHLIGHTS Councilor Branch is absent and excused. Transit budget facing $8.2M deficit, even assuming resumption of fares on July 1, 2024. Several options proposed for addressing. Public comments covered rezoning issues, bus ridership, Prince Hall District, natural...

It’s time to Wake UP to facts.

It’s time to Wake UP to facts.

Tim Niles submitted a Letter to the Editor of the N&O in response to an Op-Ed from the Director of WakeUP Wake County on the topic of the New Bern Avenue upzoning proposal. The LTE wasn’t published so we are printing it.

Token gestures of affordability are not good enough

Token gestures of affordability are not good enough

This is the 3rd TOD case that has come before you with a token gesture of affordability. I have no doubt developers will continue to find ways around providing affordable units needed for BRT to be successful. By far, the most troubling statement in the staff report that you need to pay attention to is, “by adding the TOD, the site will have increased residential entitlement WITHOUT having to incorporate affordability measures.” However you crunch the numbers on the affordable housing condition that’s been provided, it doesn’t add up to a good decision. If you approve this rezoning, you will grant MORE entitlement than the current zoning WITHOUT the affordability requirement.