Sara Mason moved to Raleigh after graduating from ECU in 2016. She is a critical care nurse working locally. Sara first moved to Ridgeloch in 2021 as a first time homeowner. She was looking for a calm and peaceful escape from everyday stressors during the pandemic. She loves walking on the greenway to visit the eagles and birdwatching. Sara is not a raleigh native but has lived in NC for over 12 years and is in love with where she lives.
Sara spoke to City Council on October 10, 2023:
Good evening Council Members. My name is Sara Mason. I am a resident of Ridgeloch Community. I have lived in this community for just over 2 years. I came to this area as a new homeowner looking for a safe and welcoming space to start a family. Many affordable homes in Raleigh do not offer this unique amount of peace and privacy.
The residents have started a petition with now over 900 signatures. I have also provided you with a handout of testimonials from neighbors who are deeply concerned about this realignment. I would like to take this time to read some of the comments from the public opposed to this plan as these are the taxpayers who walk this trail, live in the community, and enjoy the greenway system.
Comments include:
- It is the most enjoyable part of the greenway on the way to Shelley Lake, and the narrow lane and curves help slow down bikers
- This is the most beautiful part of the greenway where we walk. Please don’t destroy this! Everything else around us is changing drastically: mega mansions dwarfing our homes, clear cutting our beautiful trees, walls of ugly condominiums. Please don’t disrupt this section of our greenway too
- I walk this trail almost every weekend and cannot stomach the thought of it being changed. This is the most absurd thing I have ever heard and am deeply disturbed about it so glad I saw the petition to sign
- My family loves this greenway and we use it often. There are other ways to save money.
- I met my wife on this bridge. It is very sentimental to me.
- The winding path between the two bridges is the highlight of my walk. I feel like I’m in a secret garden every time I walk through. Please don’t destroy it.
- It’s my favorite part of the walk! I hope they leave it alone.
- This is an invasion to my neighbors’ backyards. They don’t deserve to lose their privacy and space between them and this public trail.
- I grew up on these trails. These bridges are a great place to observe the wildlife below. Something I wish other families have the opportunity for including my own.
We understand the need for upkeep.
We understand the need for maintaining safe trails and bridges.
There are new bridges being rebuilt within walking distance from this section of trail.
And there are hundreds of small trees that will begin to flourish after new light from the ongoing sewer project.
Please do not vote to pass this decision.
There is another way, there is compromise here.
The safety of the residents matters. We matter.
The Ridgeloch community would appreciate your support in preventing the City from acquisitioning our property in order for the Parks Department to construct a cheap, easy fix, fast lane through our backyards.
Option 1 keeps the Ironwood trail between the two bridges where it has been for almost 50 years.
Contact us at Ridgeloch.test@gmail for more information.
You can sign our petition here: Save Mine Creek Trail
You can also support us by contacting City Council members via email here: Contact City Council
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