Now that CACs have been reinstated with recognition from the city, we think it’s a good time to review the latest data for the Neighborhood Meetings. What we found is quite disturbing. The attendance at the meetings is getting worse, not better over time.
Neighborhood Meetings, the Fox is Guarding the Hen House
First, the neighborhood meetings that are run by the applicant or their attorneys are not working. Since the developers run the meetings, the information that is being given is often very biased and not accurate coming from the applicant or their attorney. One attorney said in a neighborhood meeting that the Comprehensive Plan was no longer relevant. There was a city staffer there but they were silent.
Pouring Gasoline on Raleigh’s Affordable Housing Bonfire
Raleigh’s highly promoted public information sessions about Missing Middle Housing rules got off to a rocky start last Wednesday evening, being held a year and a half late, after the city’s neighborhood densification rules began going into effect.
Notice to Renters: Make Way for Expensive Homes.
While Raleigh is booming, more and more folks are finding it harder to afford living in our City. Rents and real estate prices keep going up and up, while naturally occurring affordable housing (NOAH) is disappearing. The affordable apartments in these photos will be...
What to do when a rezoning request comes to your neighborhood
Did you receive a letter telling you about a neighborhood meeting to discuss a rezoning in your area? Or maybe some of your neighbors told you about an upcoming meeting. Rezoning applicants are required to hold a neighborhood meeting before they can officially submit...