Livable Raleigh’s new 2024 citywide poll of registered Raleigh voters conducted by nationally recognized professional polling firm Public Policy Polling was published Tuesday, July 23. You can read our press release here: Voter confidence falls
There are some disturbing trends highlighted in the results in 2024 as compared to 2022.
Here we compare 5 questions that were asked in 2022 and asked again in 2024:
Generally speaking, do you think city government is doing an excellent job, a good job, a fair job, or a poor job of keeping Raleigh residents informed about what they’re doing?
73% answered either fair or poor

When thinking about the pace of growth and development in Raleigh, do you think Raleigh’s rate of growth is too fast, not fast enough, or about right?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Raleigh’s growth is coming at the expense of our quality of life.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Raleigh’s growth is destroying neighborhoods and forcing large numbers of people to relocate outside of Raleigh.

Raleigh’s infrastructure consists of its roads, water and sewer systems, and transit services. Considering Raleigh’s rate of growth, do you think the infrastructure we have is more than sufficient to support a higher growth rate, adequate for the current growth rate, starting to fall behind with the current growth rate, or already failing?
76% answered either starting to fall behind or already failing

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