If this lawsuit succeeds, then any subdivision with or without a homeowner’s association will be at risk. The only winners will be those charging legal fees, and the losers will be homeowners who purchased their single-family homes with certain expectations related to the future of their property.
April 2, 2024 City Council Meetings
Highlights from April 2, 2024 City Council Meeting
Create an Area Plan for New Bern Avenue
The solution is simple. You are half way there. You have exempted one and two story homes from the TOD. Well done! Now, fix the core of the problem by amending TC-17A-20 so that NCODs, HODs and residential properties take precedence over the TOD! You amended this ordinance once. Let’s send it back to the drawing board, amend it again, and put equity and neighborhood protection back in.
Public Forum: Will New Bern’s Mass Upzoning Revitalize Neighborhoods or Eliminate Them?
Join us on Sunday, January 21st at 2pm at the Tarboro Road Community Center (121 N. Tarboro Street, Raleigh) to learn how you can help stop the city’s urban renewal of New Bern Avenue. Stand up for Raleigh’s Black history and for revitalizing existing neighborhoods and businesses along the New Bern Avenue Bus Rapid Transit line rather than forcing them out.
Suppression, Displacement and Conflicts of Interest
When residents are telling you that your project is causing gentrification and displacement, your response should not be to double down and steamroll the people.
Planning Commission Highlights- January 24, 2023
HIGHLIGHTS Meeting lasted one hour. The recording is at Planning Commission (granicus.com) Z-81-22 – Deferred to 14Feb meeting for the contemplation of the suggested conditions. Report from Strategic Planning Committee - Wakefield Small Area Plan unanimously approved...
On Raleigh’s housing supply, actions speak louder than words.
This is a follow-up to a recent Letter to the Editor published in the N&O. Here we are able to provide more details than can fit in a LTE. There is a copy of that letter at the end of this piece. City Councilor Stewart is quoted in the N&O saying "This...
Kane Realty continues growth on steroids at the expense of safety, traffic, and quality of life; where’s the public benefit?
The Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of Z-67-21, located at the intersections of I-440 at Lassiter Mill Road and Lassiter Mill Road at Six Forks Road. This despite strong concerns expressed by area residents concerning the impact on fire safety,...
Traffic Impact of Midtown Rezonings
Midtown Raleigh Resident Larry Helfant sent the following email to members of the Planning Commission: Commissioners, I have looked at the agenda for your planned meeting on Tuesday. I do appreciate the time that you take to hear each case but the agenda is very full...
Profiles in Courage
As the largest development proposal ever seen in Raleigh, John Kane’s Downtown South Project challenges all the normal processes for judging community impacts and benefits. The political pressure for quick approval is equally off the charts, so much so that the City...