Raleigh City Council’s annual retreat is scheduled for January 26 & 27, 2024. We’d like to tell you more. We’d like you to be able to make plans to attend. Sadly, we can’t and you can’t.

We’ve been waiting patiently for the details to appear on the City’s Events Calendar so we can add the information to our calendar and publicize this important event. With less than three weeks to go before the retreat is scheduled to occur, the City’s Events Calendar still does not give us the time, the place, the agenda or even an indication as to if the event will be live-streamed or recorded for those who cannot make it to the undisclosed location.

The image below is the only information available from the City. It only notes the dates and that the event is a City Council Meeting.

You can click on the image to go to the City’s Events calendar to see if it has since been updated. Or, Follow this link: City Council Retreat Details

Livable Raleigh Editorial Team

You may recall council had similar problems with their winter retreat last year as well.

“Mayor Mary-Ann Baldwin really stepped in it at the first City Council meeting of 2023. It was announced that Day One of the council’s retreat, an annual event of team-building and setting their collective direction for the year, will be held at an undisclosed location in Durham that has no ability to live stream the event for public access. Worse yet, the venue can’t even record the event for viewing after the fact. So much for improved community engagement!”

And, once again for their summer retreat

Well, Raleigh’s City Council has done it again. Scheduled their public retreat while only allowing access to the public via in-person attendance. There will be no livestream of the meeting and the meeting will not be recorded for viewing later.

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