Annetta Jones Hoggard is a native Raleighite who grew up in an historic home where the lightning bugs were plentiful and owls glided through the grove of white oaks at night like phantom ninjas.
Ms. Hoggard submitted this essay to us for publication:
Dear Fellow Humans,
I am a resident of Raleigh NC and live in an established neighborhood surrounded by rapid in-fill growth. My ability to enjoy my property has diminished immensely over the past several years due to increased noise and light pollution.
As a Raleigh native I feel displaced by the growth, which is being somewhat addressed by the new city council. This new growth comes with more noise, more lights and therefore an obliteration of the ability to nurture, on a daily basis, our humanity through quiet, natural sounds and a dark night with stars on display.
It has been like a death of healing experiences to anyone who cares about these things…and it certainly has taken a mental toll on many…whether they know it or not. People don’t know what they haven’t experienced…and many “newcomers” to our city have no idea what they are missing…what Raleigh was like before. The town was in a sweet spot about 15 years ago with balanced growth that maintained our quality of life. No longer.
Recent personal examples:
1. Noise Pollution/Nuisance-This past week (and every week) yard crews have been working in my neighborhood AM through PM, and are somewhere on the street most days of the week. I have not been able to enjoy my porch during the cool hours because this is when these businesses “knock it out.” Just this morning three teams were working at three locations on my short street…I had to go inside. No birdsong for me! More people are using yard services than ever before, and that comes with gas blowers, gas mowers etc. My neighborhood has small lots, about 1/5 -1/4 of an acre. My husband rakes and mows our own yard and he is disabled and can rake the yard with no problem. Remember the meditative sound of raking? What are these guys blowing anyway in the summer season?
Additionally, the clear cutting of acres of trees, replaced by tall masonry structures has amplified traffic noise.
Let’s please work toward banning gas powered yard equipment. It’s happening in several states and municipalities throughout the USA. This industry and local governments owe it to their citizens.
2. LIght Pollution/Nuisance-For some reason, a few of my neighbors think they need bright floodlights on their small lots. (This is a more recent phenomenon.) It’s not really necessary because Duke Energy already put in clinically bright street lights which reduced night sky visibility tremendously. (Good-bye Orion! Won’t see you in the Fall!) When Duke Energy first put in these LED streetlights, the one in front of my property illuminated the front of my house. I requested a shield. Now it illuminates about half my front yard. But the beauty of the night has been erased on my block where no one has a deep front yard. (It seems like Duke would make certain adjustments for lot size.)
On the evening of July 3rd I noticed that 3 or 4 double lamp 2000 Lumen white LED floodlights had been installed, apparently that day, on the house next to me (which the owners rent…one of two rental properties on my street). I texted the owners politely that evening and the next day with no response. I have a cordial relationship with these owners. Needless to say the lights flooded my entire property and it looked like a prison yard. I spent all of July 4 trying to figure out how the lights could be doused so my husband and I could enjoy watching the fireworks from our back porch. After being on for 24 hours straight, the lights miraculously cut off…at 8PM on July 4. I contacted the manufacturer of the floodlights and requested that they include language on the box with lot size recommendations for use of lamps with that level of output.
Raleigh has a light ordinance, and I hope I don’t have to file a complaint in the future.
–Let’s please promote Dark Skies throughout the city and particularly in non-commercial areas. This is happening in several cities throughout the USA. Exterior lighting manufacturers and utilities that use that lighting owe it to customers to have reasonable guidelines for application of the product, regulated by local and national governments.
Noise and Light Pollution management is key to promoting a healthy environment for humans, animals, birds, plants, insects…and is part and parcel of climate change mitigation. Let’s please make Raleigh a climate forward city.
Thank you for reading my letter.
Annetta Jones Hoggard
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