Mary-Ann Baldwin’s campaign sent out a recent fund-raising email and she and her campaign team seem very confused. If her grasp on reality is this fragile, can you trust her to run the City of Raleigh?
Here are excerpts from her campaign email:

Those of you who are regular readers of Livable Raleigh know the FACTS.
The UNPRECEDENTED amounts of money in Raleigh’s municipal elections were funneled into the 2019 election by the development industry who bought the election for Mayor Baldwin and several other City Councilors including At-Large Councilors Nicole Stewart and Jonathan Melton, District A Councilor Patrick Buffkin and District E Councilor David Knight.
We have reported these facts to you before. But, in response to Mary-Ann’s confused campaign message, we are doing so again, now.

This graph shows you how much money the Mayor and each Councilor spent in their campaign in 2019 and how much of it came from the development industry.
Read the full details here: Follow the Money
Now, we’re not sure what small group planning to funnel unprecedented amounts of money into the election she’s talking about. But, we are certainly happy to accept any donation you want to make to help us continue to inform the people of Raleigh. Contributions accepted here: Donate
Livable Raleigh Editorial Team