Livable Raleigh published our first blog, Why Livable Raleigh was Born, five years ago on February 17, 2020.

Just like any other five-year-old, we can’t wait to grow even bigger.

So, we’re combining a

“FUND-RAISER” with a “FRIEND-RAISER” as our birthday celebration.

If you rely on the kind of information you are only able to find through Livable Raleigh, we need your help to grow. Tell all your friends just what a valuable source of information we are and have them email us at to join our mailing list. Help us to keep providing this information by Donating Now!

Livable Raleigh has become the “go-to” source for the most complete, honest, fact-based information about local Raleigh issues.

  • Our Facebook posts and Blogs keep you informed of the latest issues in Raleigh covering topics such as affordable housing, the environment, engagement, transparency in government and more. And, we publish great Guest Blogs. You are welcome to submit a blog for consideration.
  • The Week Ahead, our weekly email newsletter sent to subscribers, keeps you informed of what’s coming up in Raleigh. Email to join our mailing list.
  • The Calendar of events on our website is a one-stop shop for what’s happening for the next month or more.
  • Our website maintains Community Conversations as a resource of every webinar we have held.
  • We summarize Council Meetings for those who cannot attend. Council News.
  • We provided the most comprehensive City Council Election information you could find anywhere. We still have it as a valuable resource if you want to review the policy positions councilors campaigned on:  2024 City Council Election. 
  • We have published contact information for the City and the Councilors in one easy to find location: Council Contacts.  
  • We have won INDY Week’s Best Local Activist Group of Wake County 3 of the last 4 years. 

We promise to continue to bring you information about Raleigh City Politics that you won’t find in the local print or television media. Information like:

We need your help to continue growing. Tell all your friends & family members about us and how much you depend on us to stay informed.

Please click on the link below and donate what you can to help us continue our work. 

Thank You for your continued support.

Livable Raleigh

If you appreciate the kind of reporting we bring to you

Please donate $10 or $20,
or whatever you can
to Livable Raleigh.

Thanks for supporting
your local watchdog!