• Meeting lasted one hour.
  • The recording is at Planning Commission (granicus.com)
  • Z-81-22 – Deferred to 14Feb meeting for the contemplation of the suggested conditions.
  • Report from Strategic Planning Committee – Wakefield Small Area Plan unanimously approved
  • Z-67-22 – unanimously approved
  • TCZ-61-22 – unanimously approved case and recommended producing a map amendment before sending to Council
  • Report of the chair – Recommendation for improving the staff report survey out to all members


Z-81-22 Presented by Donald Belk, Planning Staff

3304 Clearfield Drive
PC Deadline: 25Mar23
Request to rezone 8.5 acres from IX-3 w/SHOD-2 To CX-12-CU w/SHOD-2
Near Gresham’s Lake and I-540
There is currently no access to the site
Light and heavy industrial nearby
3 conditions
Inconsistent with the FLUM
Consistent with the Comp Plan
No outstanding issues for the case
Recommend not to vote during this meeting to give the public time for input before or during the next PC meeting
The applicant had 10 minutes to speak.
Collier Marsh from Parker Poe
No access to the site today
540 on one side, lake on one side, railroad on one side
Site is physically cut off from industrial uses near by the lake
Access will have to come under 540
It will be part of the residential community south of 540.
It would allow development next to the lake that would provide “exciting” possibilities
Conditions for:
 Prohibited uses
 50’ landscaping buffer next to 540
 Non-residential use limited to max of 30000sqft
They would provide the 2-lane divided street under 540

No members of the public to speak
Two neighborhood meetings had no attendees
No comments on the engagement portal
Park staff would recommend a voluntary dedication of greenway space
This is near the highspeed CXS corridor. However, Jason Myers from the Transportation Department said he didn’t think there was an issue with rediential being close to the corridor. And also, he didn’t think there would be a rail station for this area.
S-Line TOD study information request for staff from the PC chair.
PC member expressed concern about one point of access.
Jason demonstrated on the map how the street will/could will connect to the north of the property.
PC member concerned about no conditions for open space or condition for dedication of connection to the greenway.
Applicant said he expected these dedication to happen at site plan, but would be willing to add conditions based on these comments.
The site has a lot of environmental oversight due to the location near the lake.
Deferred to 14Feb meeting for the contemplation of the suggested conditions.


Wakefield Small Area Plan and its Comp Plan amendments

    • committee voted to recommend approval
    • seemed to be supported by the public at that meeting
    • Motion to approve passed unanimously


7910 Skyland Ridge Parkway
17.67 acres
From X-3-CU and PD To CX-20-CU
PC deadline 11Feb23
Applicant has submitted new conditions for outdoor amenity and urban form
Off Glenwood Ave on the border with Durham
New conditions bring case into consistency with urban form
No questions or comments from PC members

Unanimously approved


4500 Falls of the Neuse Road
Currently a shopping center Where the Steinmart was
Case to remove zoning conditions and provide new conditions
Will allow up to 250 residential units
Serviced by every 30 min bus
Consistent with the FLUM
Consistent with the Comp Plan
No inconsistent policies
PC deadline: 25Mar23
Applicant had up to 10 minutes to speak
Molly Stuart from Morningstar Law Group
The condition driving the rezoning is to allow a larger grocery store than currently allow by the conditions in the current zoning.
They are just wanted to remove the residential prohibition condition to be consistent with the city but they have no plans for residential on the site.
No one from the public spoke.
PC members asked about adding the outparcels to the TCZ.
They are owned by others.
Attorney’s office recommends adding a map amendment to this case.
Motion to approve case and recommend producing the map amendment before sending to CC.
Unanimous approval


Recommendation for improving the staff report survey out to all members

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