RCAC Chair and District E City Council Candidate Christina Jones spoke at the October 4, 2022 City Council meeting
I want to clarify some misinformation that continues to be spread, from this council, about CACs and their role in Raleigh’s rezoning process.
A developer was required to meet with an individual CAC twice before a vote was taken by membership and passed on to the Planning Commission. Planning Commission would ask how the CAC voted and for any notes regarding the decision.
Council held the ONLY official and binding vote affecting anyone’s property rights.
CACs, as well as Planning Commission, were strictly advisory input from the impacted area.
It is disturbing that this council chooses to vilify residents instead of holding themselves accountable for their own votes.
This is no more evident than in the Downtown South vote back in December of 2020. The planning commission voted 8-0 to deny the rezoning and you still voted to go against their advice. Whether or not I agree with your vote is not the point; the fact is you ultimately make the decisions.
Citizens Advisory Councils were only ever meant to be ADVISORY and to claim anything else is misleading and false. It’s clear that you wanted to get rid of us in order to fast track development and push through rezonings at an unprecedented pace.
Conversations with residents help make a better project by bringing more voices to the table.
Your disdain for our input is not leadership and is why you need to be replaced.
Read about more of David Knight’s LIES here: David Knight is having a terrible, no good, very bad week.