Livable Raleigh wants to applaud everyone who attended the City Council Special Meeting on Tuesday January 24. With a special acknowledgement of all the folks who spoke out on behalf of their neighbors and the future of our great city. What a way to show the Mayor and City Council what true Community Engagement is all about!
Many folks, including City Council members, have expressed appreciation for the turn out. And for the support for protecting neighborhoods – naturally occurring affordable housing in particular. The public comments during rezoning discussions were well organized and showed that often members of the community have a better grasp and deeper understanding of Raleigh’s Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Ordinance than City staff and our elected officials. The call for protecting our neighborhoods and residents of all status was clearly expressed and heard!!
Livable Raleigh wants to call special attention to how the presence of Raleigh residents and the information presented by speakers impacted the outcomes of the items on Council’s agenda.
Never doubt that showing up and speaking out can have a strong impact on the decision-making process of our elected officials.
Of note is the referral of items that needed further study to Council Committees – an important process avoided at all cost by the previous Council and current Mayor. During this meeting the Mayor showed her dislike of this process and ended up on the short end of the stick with a 7-1 vote against her wishes to avoid sending items to committee for a more in depth study. This alone showed that a sea-change in the way our elected officials handle up-zoning is a real possibility!!
Keep it up! Show the Mayor and City Council that we are tired of fake Community Engagement and willing to take the time and effort to SHOW UP AND SPEAK UP!
Livable Raleigh Editorial Team
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