- Mayor Baldwin absent from both meetings
- Work Session provided detailed review about cost of providing City services during annexations
- Public comments centered on Affordable Housing, gentrification, police accountability, and racial justice
- Solid Waste Services looking at refining options for yard waste collection
- Parks and Recreation contracting for a system-wide update to the Parks plan
- Authorized text change to accommodate required ordinance changes for nutrient treatment
- All rezonings approved except for one that was continued at applicant’s request
- Growth & Natural Resources Committee meets at 4pm on February 28
- Safe, Vibrant, & Healthy Community Committee meets at 11:30am on February 28
- St. Augustine and Shaw redevelopment issues sent to Economic Development & Innovation Committee
Raleigh Growth, Annexation and City Service Coverage Overview
- Cost of “Green Field” development (in a new area) is more expensive to City than infill or redevelopment but often less expensive to a developer, due to significant upfront capital costs and recurring operating expenses with uncertain timing and amount of future revenue which is dependent on growth scenarios
- Annexation approval requires the City to provide police, fire, solid waste, and street maintenance. Fire service and solid waste can be delivered via contract service. Water and sewer must be provided within 3.5 years of annexation date, but are usually required in order to support Fire service (e.g., fire hydrants). Raleigh chooses to also provide Parks & Rec facilities and stormwater management.
- Fire Service response impacts insurance premiums
- 4.8% increase in population over past 7 years
- 3.5% increase in square mileage over the last 7 years
- 36% increase in RFD call volume in last 7 years
- 0% increase of new Fire Station infrastructure since the construction of Fire Station 29 in 2015
- Cost to build and operate an additional fire station is more than $30M; it takes approximately 3-4 years to build the infrastructure
- Annexation options include
- Denial outside ETJ
- Denial inside ETJ
- Denial + ETJ relinquishment
- Defer Action until Plan for Service is in Place
- Approve and Delay Delivery of Service
Consent Agenda – full list at end of document
- David Eatmon from Transportation addressed item H3 regarding “enhanced transit stops” – clarifying additional amenities are added per Wake Transit Plan because these are major transfer stops between GoRaleigh and GoTriangle and might help attract ridership – concern about impact on other bus stops without benches or shelters throughout Raleigh. Councilor Forte asked for additional discussion on this issue.
- Approved unanimously
Public Comment
- Octavia Rainey complained about BRT impact on historic Black structures and impact of Raleigh development on the Black community. Ms. Rainey offered an opportunity to join her on tours pointing out these issues in March.
- Helen Tart asking for staff report on Affordable Housing resulting from the Missing Middle text change and a moratorium on Missing Middle until this is addressed.
- Benjamin Pulgar-Guzman shared information about NCSU mental health and suicide crisis. Mayor Pro Tem Branch asked City Manager to reach out to Wake County and NCSU to see how Raleigh can help.
- Kara Sanders on parenting
- Tim Niles on services provided by CACs
- Sylvia Wiggins, Helping Hand Mission, on gentrification, impact of utility bills, and inability of grants to make a lasting impact. Need to stabilize seniors.
- Jennifer McKenney on domestic violence and police violence and asking for follow up on Raleigh Demands Justice’s eight demands presented at February 7 Council meeting
- Matthew Brown on negative gentrification impact of the Transit Overlay District in East Raleigh residential neighborhoods with naturally occurring affordable housing
- Nicole Williams on homelessness and need for Affordable Housing. Mayor ProTem Branch asked for staff to follow up
- Kimberly Muktarian on racial justice and police violence
- Brittany Futrell on discriminatory practices by Oak City Biz Lab
Report and Recommendation of the Planning Commission
- Planning Commission Report
- Following scheduled for March 7 at 1pm
- Z55-22 – Johnson Street (District D)
- Z-75-22 – Edwards Mill Road (District E)
- Following scheduled for March 7 at 7pm
- CP-13-21 – Wakefield Small Area Study: Final Report
- Z-67-21 – North Hills Assemblage (District A)
- Z-61-22 – Falls of Neuse Road (District A)
- Z-65-22 – Willard Place (District D)
- Z-82-22 – Mitchell Mill Road (District B)
- Following scheduled for March 21 at 1pm
- Petition Annexation AX-1-22 – Rock Quarry Road (District C)
- Rezoning Z-2-22 – Rock Quarry Road (District C)
- Petition Annexation AX-21-22 – Oak Hill Drive (District B)
- Rezoning Z-38-22 – Oak Hill Drive (District B)
- Annexation Petition AX-32-22 – Forestville Road (District B)
- Rezoning Z-41-22 – Old Milburnie Road (District B)
- Following scheduled for March 7 at 1pm
- Rezoning Z-86-22, 5308 Falls of Neuse Road, located approximately 0.3 miles north of the Falls of Neuse Road/Millbrook Road intersection (District A) – March 21 public hearing approved
- Rezoning Z-69-22, 3540 Auburn Knightdale Road, located approximately 0.3 miles southwest of the intersection with Battle Bridge Road (District C) – March 21 public hearing approved
- Rezoning Z-81-22, 3304 Clearfield Drive, located at the northeast quadrant of I-540 and the CSX rail corridor (District A) – March 7 public hearing approved
- Southeast Special Area Study Final Report and Comprehensive Plan Amendments (CP-12-21) – April 4 public hearing approved
Special Items
- Rezoning Z-74-22: Levister Ct, east of the intersection of Fayetteville St and Levister Ct (District D) – March 7 public hearing approved
- Rezoning Z-67-22: 7910 Skyland Ridge Parkway, at the northwest corner of the intersection of Glenwood Avenue and Skyland Ridge Parkway (District E); applicant has submitted new condition for affordable housing; Councilor Jones asks to send to Transit Committee due to RDU concerns about building height but Planning Department recommends holding public hearing first; public hearing approved for April 4
Report and Recommendation of the City Manager
- Solid Waste Services Overview and Update
- 16% vacancy rate
- Continued volatility in the Recycling Industry
- Review of changes to yard waste service shows less contamination and more predictable and reliable service. However customers aren’t using as many biodegradable bags as anticipated, prefer carts, and want additional carts.
- Presented three options for discussion and will return with more data – varying frequency, # of bags, bundles, and carts, and fee structure
- Professional Services – Raleigh Parks System Plan Update – Agency Landscape + Planning
- Approved contract ($387,730) six to one (Councilor Jones voting no) to conduct first major system plan update since 2014 with a focus on equity and best practices, as well as community engagement
- Final review and approval scheduled for Spring 2024
- Text Change Request – Changes to Stormwater Management Regulations
- Authorized text change to accommodate required ordinance changes for nutrient treatment – leading to clearer picture, not necessarily more or less stringent
- Councilor Melton suggests expediting the process to meet State’s deadline
Report and Recommendation of the Raleigh Arts Commission
- Annual Work Plan and Report
Report and Recommendation of the Historic Resources and Museum Advisory Board
- Annual Work Plan and Report
Public Hearings
- Unfit for Human Habitation
- Mayor Pro Tem Branch motions to hold 4001 Virginia Street until March 7 afternoon session to give tenants time to move and ask staff to help with rapid re-housing – unanimously approved
- 4009 Virginia Street – same as above
- Public Nuisance Abatement – Property Liens
- Basewood Drive – approved 5 to 2 with Councilors Jones and Black voting against
- 3112 Beane Drive – approved 5 to 2 with Councilors Jones and Black voting against
- 710 North West Street – has been paid so removed from voting
- 5201 Turf Grass Court – approved 5 to 2 with Councilors Jones and Black voting against
- Petition Annexation – AX-25-22- Contiguous Inside ETJ – 4419 Old Poole Road (District C) – approved unanimously
- Petition Annexation – AX-29-22- Contiguous Inside ETJ – 8716 Silverthorne Drive (District E) – property owner requesting withdrawal because they only want water service and not annexation; will come back for deferral on March 7 consent agenda
- Petition Annexation – AX-30-22- Contiguous Inside ETJ – 2310, 2314, 2316 Doran Place (District C) – approved unanimously
- Rezoning Z-43-22: 405 Clover Ln, both sides, east of Wake Forest Road (District C) – applicant requesting continuation to March 7 to allow additional time for revised conditions; unanimously approved
- Rezoning Z-63-22 Running Fox Lane, Southeast of Shady Grove Road and northwest of Sycamore Creek at the termini of Aberdeen Chase Way, Huntley Chase Drive, and Running Fox Lane (District E) – approved unanimously
- Rezoning Z-77-22, West Jones Street & North Boylan Avenue, at the northwest corner of Jones and Boylan (District D) – unanimously approved
- Rezoning TCZ-78-22: 1520 and 0 Blue Ridge Road, at the southeast corner the intersection of Blue Ridge Road and Westchase Boulevard (District E) – approved unanimously
Report and Recommendation of the Growth and Natural Resources Committee
- Meeting at 4pm on February 28
Report and Recommendation of the Safe, Vibrant and Healthy Community Committee
- Meeting at 11:30am on February 28
Report from the Mayor and Council
- Councilor Melton moves to send St. Augustine and Shaw redevelopment issues to Economic Development & Innovation Committee – unanimously approved
- Councilor Patton requesting budget note regarding WiFi and asking for update on lessons from train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio
- Councilor Black uplifted public comment about need to address suicide and need for more money for Affordable Housing
- Councilor Jones asked for action on controlling invasive species, how to help with filling employee vacancies, uplifting Helen Tart’s public comments to get data on impact of Missing Middle on housing affordability, and wants to learn more about Transit Overlay Districts
- Councilor Harrison asks about hybrid meetings for Boards and Commissions. City Attorney throws up roadblocks as usual. Councilor Harrison asked staff to look into quiet zone for trains. Asks for budget note to for composting projects.
Consent Agenda
- Sale of Surplus Equipment – Authorize Public Sale by Electronic Auction
- Donation of Art to the Municipal Art Collection: Charlotte Robinson
- Jeffries Ridge Land Lease
- Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5307 – Wake County, Wake Coordinated Transportation Services (GoWake Access)
- Office Space Lease – Engineering Services Stormwater Division – 127 W. Hargett St.
- Contract Services – Wastewater Collection System Condition Assessment – Hydromax USA, LLC – Amendment No. Two
- Contract Professional Services – Smoky Hollow Park, Phase 2 Remedial Investigations and UST Closure Professional Services – Tetra Tech Engineering, P.C.
- Master Services Agreement- Amendment 1 for On-Call Engineering Services – ESP Associates Inc.
- 600 W. Cabarrus Street – Stormwater Culvert
- FY2023 Funding for Wake Legal Support Center
- Appropriation of Council Contingency to Support KCSSU
- Bid Award – South State Street Sewer Replacement Project – Park Construction of NC, Inc.
- Bid Award – Annual Street Resurfacing Program – FSC II, LLC, DBA: Fred Smith Company
- Bid Award – Bus Shelter Improvements – Browe Construction
- No Parking “Tow Away” Zone – Russ Street
- Speed Limit Reductions – Ashley Drive, Beacon Hill Court, Beaverwood Drive, Bentley Circle, Bentley Wood Lane, Carlton Drive, Fox Bluff Court, Garrett Court, Havenwood Drive, Ives Court, Joydon Court, Park Place, Parott Drive, Perry Circle, Pilgrim Road, Renyard Court, and Vixen Court
- Mixed Use Loading Zone – West Morgan Street