- Work Session – Apparently the Office of Community Engagement spends a lot of time engaging with City staff and people who serve on Boards and Commissions – not necessarily with the actual larger community. They also spend a lot of resource on branding.
- Outgoing councilors were recognized – Cox, Stewart, and Buffkin who didn’t run for re-election, and Knight who lost to Christina Jones.
- Mayor Baldwin clearly didn’t get the message from the November elections that community engagement is important to Raleigh residents. She cut public comment time down to one minute per person in violation of her own rules and blamed it on the length of the meeting. There was a reference to the fact that she cut public comment time because she had to get to a 6pm speaking engagement. Councilor Cox made a motion that each speaker get three minutes, but no one seconded his motion.
- Most public comments focused on the election results which demonstrated that the majority do not approve of the outgoing Council (except for Councilor Cox), the importance of community engagement, the need for more housing affordability, and gratitude to Councilor David Cox for representing all constituents. Several also spoke against the Mine Creek Greenway Trail.
- Appropriated $11k from Capital Reserves to fund the Healing Raleigh Together vigil
- Appropriated $321k from American Rescue Plan for community garden
- Staff provided an update on the status of the remaining 2014 parks bond projects and an overview of the new 2022 bond referendum
- Authorized the Dix Park Conservancy to renovate and operate three stone houses
- Authorized negotiations with Loden for Moore Square South and East Redevelopment to include some affordable housing
- Per Bill King from the Downtown Raleigh Alliance, a $75k giant LED screen will be set up in Moore Square for a World Cup watch party next week.
- Renamed Devereux Meadow Park to Smoky Hollow Park and approved concept plan despite lack of ADA accessibility
- Rezoning Z-67-21: North Hills Assemblage – hearing held open until December 6
- Mayor Baldwin announced that the November 9 work session with NCDOT has been moved to December 13 at 4pm; December 5 is swearing in ceremony at Raleigh Union Station at 6pm; approved $20k in matching funds to CrimeStoppers from council contingency
- Board and Commission Support & Resources: https://go.boarddocs.com/nc/raleigh/Board.nsf/files/CL7N7M59AC6E/$file/20221115WorkSessionBoardsCommissionsStaffPresentation.pdf
- Apparently the Office of Community Engagement spends a lot of time engaging with City staff and people who serve on Boards and Commissions – not necessarily with the actual larger community. They also spend a lot of resource on branding.
Consent Agenda
- See details at end of document – approved unanimously
Public Comment
- Lisa Hughet spoke regarding affordable housing and destruction of naturally occurring affordable housing
- Helen Tart reviewed election results showing that the incumbents didn’t get a majority
- Donna Bailey spoke about cutting public comment time and about the election results and thanked Councilor Cox
- Octavia Rainey spoke about Housing for 30% AMI
- Dianne Mayer thanked Councilor Cox for his integrity, thoughtfulness, and transparency
- Tim Niles spoke on community engagement and election results and thanking Councilor Cox
- Leon Cooke thanked Councilor Cox and congratulated newly elected councilors
- Lubin Prevatt thanked Councilor David Cox and spoke about citizen engagement
- Christina Jones spoke about citizen engagement
- Terry Henderson thanked Councilor David Cox
- Terry Snyder thanked Councilor David Cox
- Margie Case thanked Councilor David Cox and spoke about the election results
- Jeremy Gilchrist spoke about the election results
- Marilyn Alphin spoke against the Mine Creek Greenway Trail
- Bob Geary thanked Councilor David Cox and spoke about citizen engagement and the election results
- Kay Maningas spoke against the Mine Creek Greenway Trail
- Debra Manduley spoke against the Mine Creek Greenway Trail
Report and Recommendation of the Planning Commission
The following items are scheduled for public hearing at the City Council meeting on December 6, 2022:
- Rezoning Z-31-22 – S Harrington Street (District D) (Held open from November 1 meeting)
- Rezoning Z-34-22 – Hillsborough Street Assemblage (District D) (Held open from November 1 meeting)
- Rezoning Z-46-22 – 490 Old Poole Road (District C)
- Rezoning Z-57-22 – McLean Drive/Old Wake Forest Road Assemblage (District A)
The following items are scheduled for public hearing at the City Council meeting on January 3, 2023:
- Rezoning Z-72-21 – Lake Wheeler Road (District D)
- Rezoning Z-2-22 – Rock Quarry Road (District C)
- Rezoning Z-38-22 – 7640 Oak Hill Drive (District B)
- Rezoning Z-53-22 – S Wilmington Street, Summit Avenue (District D)
- Rezoning Z-55-22 – Johnson Street (District D)
- Rezoning Z-62-22 – Crosslink Road (District C)
- CP-1-22 – Dix Edge Area Study Final Report and Comprehensive Plan Amendment – January 3 public hearing approved
- Rezoning Z-43-22: 405 Clover Lane, both sides, east of Wake Forest Road (District C) – January 3 public hearing approved
- Rezoning Z-54-22: Peace & West, on the northeast corner of the intersection of Peace Street and West Street, approximately 400 feet west of Capital Boulevard (District D) – January 3 public hearing approved
- Rezoning Z-37-22: Plainview Drive & Polly Street, at the southeast corner of the intersection, approximately one-third of a mile south of New Bern Avenue (District C) – January 17 public hearing approved
- Rezoning Z-71-22: 849 W Morgan St, southside, approximately 400 feet west of its intersection with Mayo St (District D) – January 17 public hearing approved
Special Items
- Healing Raleigh Together Vigil Expenses – $11k appropriation from FY22 Capital Reserves – approved 6 to 1 with Councilor Forte dissenting
- Safe, Vibrant, Healthy Communities – Community Garden Update and Budget Appropriation — $321k approved from American Rescue Plan Act
- Trenton Woods Way Parking Concerns – Councilor Cox raised concerns about equity and ADA compliance – Councilor Branch motioned for option 4: “no action – waiting for Bandwidth and Multi-Use path completion” – approved 6 to 1 with Mayor Baldwin dissenting
- Communications and Marketing Study Group – Update approved unanimously: https://go.boarddocs.com/nc/raleigh/Board.nsf/files/CL7PB45E2B86/$file/20221115COMMSStrategicCommsCommitteePresentation.pdf
Report and Recommendation of the City Manager
- FY22 Strategic Plan Progress Report: https://go.boarddocs.com/nc/raleigh/Board.nsf/files/CL7PBE5E44EB/$file/20221115OSIr01StratPlanPerformanceReportStaffPresentation.pdf
- Parks Bond Update — staff provided an update on the status of the remaining 2014 parks bond projects and an overview on the strategic and equitable implementation of the new 2022 bond referendum: https://go.boarddocs.com/nc/raleigh/Board.nsf/files/CL7PCE5EAE2E/$file/20221115PRCRr02ParksBondUpdateStaffPresentation.pdf
- Lease – Dix Park Stone Houses – Dix Park Conservancy: Unanimously authorized the City Manager to execute a lease with the Dix Park Conservancy for the renovation and operation of the Superintendent’s House, Doctor’s House and Gate Keeper’s Cottage at Dix Park.
- Moore Square South and East Redevelopment – Staff presented details and evaluation of Development Proposals and recommended negotiations with Loden which would provide a minimum of 160 affordable units. Councilor Cox asked for more time to study the proposals. Approved 6 to 1 with Councilor Cox dissenting
Report and Recommendation of the Downtown Raleigh Alliance
- Annual Report – Downtown Municipal Service District: https://go.boarddocs.com/nc/raleigh/Board.nsf/files/CL7PCU5EDC60/$file/20221115BMSs1DRAMSDPresentation.pdf
Report and Recommendation of the Hillsborough Street Community Service Corporation
- Annual Report – Hillsborough Street Municipal Service District: https://go.boarddocs.com/nc/raleigh/Board.nsf/files/CL28MR13D1EC/$file/20221115BMSannualreportHSCSC.pdf
Report and Recommendation of the City of Raleigh Arts Commission
- Public Art Strategic Plan
Report and Recommendation of the Parks, Recreation, and Greenway Advisory Board
- Renamed Devereux Meadow Park to Smoky Hollow Park
- Devereux Meadow Park – Concept Plan – Councilor Cox raises issue of parking and ADA accessibility but concept plan approved 6 to 1 with Councilor Cox dissenting
Public Hearings
- Public Nuisance Abatement – Property Liens – approved unanimously
- Petition Annexation – AX-20-22- Contiguous Inside ETJ – 6525 Battle Bridge Road (District C) – approved unanimously
- Petition Annexation – AX-28-22- Contiguous Inside ETJ – 3115, 3215 Garner Road (District C) – approved unanimously
- Petition Annexation – AX-23-22- Contiguous Inside ETJ – 2501 Pine Village Road (District A) – approved unanimously
- Rezoning Z-51-21: 2114 Atlantic Avenue, located at the intersection of Atlantic Avenue and East Whitaker Mill Road (District C) – approved unanimously
- Rezoning Z-67-21: North Hills Assemblage, located at the intersections of I-440 at Lassiter Mill Road, and Lassiter Mill Road at Six Forks Road (District A) – hearing held open until December 6
- Rezoning Z-88-21: Colby Drive, Wake Forest Road, Hardimont Street, west of Wake Forest Road (District A) – approved 5 to 2 with Councilors Cox and Forte dissenting
- Rezoning Z-90-21: Falls of Neuse & E Millbrook Roads, at the northeast corner of the intersection of Falls of Neuse Road and E Millbrook Road (District A) – approved 5 to 2 with Councilors Cox and Forte dissenting
- Rezoning Z-10-22: 2501 Ratchford Drive, on its west side, 600 feet north of its intersection with Capital Boulevard (District C) – unanimously approved
- Rezoning Z-27-22: 5221 & 5225 Forestville Road, on its east side, one third of a mile south of its intersection with Buffaloe Road (District B) – approved unanimously
- Text Change to Zoning Conditions TCZ-28-22: 0 Buffaloe Road (PIN 1746411926), at the southeast corner of its intersection with Forestville Road (District B) – approved unanimously
- Rezoning Z-32-22: Millbrook Road, on the north and south sides of Millbrook Road, west of its intersection with North Hills Drive (District A) – approved unanimously
- Text Change to Zoning Conditions TCZ-33-22: North Hills Drive, on the west side of North Hills Drive, north of its intersection with W. Millbrook Road (District A) – approved unanimously
- Comprehensive Plan Amendment CP-8-22: Sherman Oaks Place – approved unanimously as well as Councilor Branch’s motion to asking staff to come back with a holistic review of transportation in the area.
- Comprehensive Plan Amendment CP-10-22: Map T-1 and Map T-5 Amendments – approved unanimously
- Text Change TC-3-22: Omnibus List 2022 – approved unanimously
Report and Recommendation of Committees
- Both Economic Development and Innovation Committee and the Growth & Natural Resources Committee have no meetings scheduled and no remaining agenda items
- Both Transportation & Transit Committee and Safe, Vibrant, & Healthy Community Committee have no meetings scheduled and reported out pending items with no recommendation
Report from the Mayor and City Council
- Mayor Pro Tem Stewart gave a farewell speech
- Councilor Forte spoke about our homelessness crisis
- Councilor Branch spoke about the importance of community engagement
- Councilor Cox gave a farewell speech
- Councilor Buffkin gave a farewell speech
- Councilor Knight gave a farewell speech
- Mayor Baldwin announced that the November 9 work session with NCDOT has been moved to December 13 at 4pm; December 5 is swearing in ceremony at Raleigh Union Station at 6pm; approved $20k in matching funds to CrimeStoppers from council contingency
Report and Recommendation of the City Clerk
- Budget Adoption/City Code Amendment
Consent Agenda
- Petition Annexation – AX-1-22- Contiguous Outside ETJ – 6720 Rock Quarry Road (District C)
- Petition Annexation – AX-31-22- Contiguous inside ETJ – 12201 Leesville Road (District E)
- Petition Annexation – AX-32-22- Contiguous inside ETJ – 5100 Forestville Road (District B)
- Housing and Neighborhoods – Federal FY2023-24 Annual Housing Action Plan
- Federal Transit Administration – Poole Road Park and Ride – Grant Award
- Easement Request – Duke Energy Progress LLC – City Greenway at 2201 Edwards Mill Road
- Conservation Easement – Wilders Grove Stream Restoration Project – North Carolina Land and Water Fund
- Contract Services – Flood Early Warning System – Vieux and Associates, Incorporated
- Contract Services – Security Officer Services – Capitol Special Police, LLC – Amendment No. 2
- Contract Services – Property and Casualty Insurance and Brokerage Services – Alliant Insurance Services, Inc.
- Contract Services – Medical Third Party Administrator and Pharmacy Benefits Manager Services – BCBS of NC, Inc.
- New Bern Crossings Lease
- 3701 Lake Boone Trail – Community Entrance Sign
- 2841 Claremont Road – Concrete Walkway
- 121 Fayetteville Street – Bifold doors
- Budget Transfer – Glenwood-St Mary’s Stormwater Control Measure (part of the bundled Raleigh GSI Retrofits project)
- Appropriation of Capital Reserves – Fiscal Year 2021-22 Close
- Barwell Road Improvement Project Condemnation Authorization
- Bid Award – FY22 Traffic Calming – Browe Construction Company
- Speed Limit Reductions – Ashford Street, Daingerfield Drive, Singleleaf Lane, Epperly Court, Fairfax Drive, North King Charles Road, South King Charles Road, Winthrop Drive, & Yadkin Drive
- Daytime Parking Restriction Removal – 400 Oakwood Avenue
- Police Vehicle Parking – 00 West Martin Street
- No Parking Tow Away Zone – Gresham Hills Drive