If you are looking for the candidates’ financial reports to review who is funding their campaigns, we have the step by step instructions showing you how to find the data on the Wake County Board of Elections website.
Start by going to the Board’s Home page here: Wake County BOE
On the Home Page, shown below, click on Data & Reports circled in RED
On the Data & Reports page, shown below, click on Campaign Finance Reports, indicated by the RED ARROW
On the Campaign Finance Reports page, shown below, click on 2024 Municipal-Level Election, indicated by the RED ARROW
The Municipal Committee Public View page will be shown with a list of all candidates for each City Council office. Click on the GREEN BUTTON indicated by the RED ARROW for the individual candidate whose finance report you want to review. We are showing Jonathan Lambert-Melton in the At-Large race as our example here simply for demonstration purposes and because his name has changed since his marriage (congrats!) and many voters may not be aware of the change.
The selected candidate’s finance reports will be displayed as shown here. You want to select the the most recent report Mid Year Semi-Annual to view the most recent donations. Click on DATA circled in RED. If you are interested in seeing donations from 2023 or before, you can select any of those reports as well. Note, any donor who gave money in more than one reporting period will have their total donated to-date shown with their most recent donation amount.
The various sections of the Mid Year Semi-Annual report will be dispayed. To view the donations, click on HTML VIEW circled in RED. If you are interested is seeing how the candidates spend their money, click on Detailed Expenditures.
The Receipts Report will be displayed. Aggregated individual contributions are displayed first. These are donors who gave less than $50 in total and whose names are NOT required to be disclosed. As you scroll down the report you will see an alphabetical reporting of the larger amount donors shown next.
Here we show an example of John Kane’s multiple donations to Jonathan Lambert-Melton. You can see the combined total given to date in the far right column that totals the two individual amounts. The report also provides the name, address and occupation of the donor.
You can use this information to find out how much money is being donated to a candidate by sector. Here we see that Lambert-Melton has accepted the maximum donation amount of $6,400 from Kane who is in the Development Industry.
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