Frank Hielema is a native of Oxford, NC.  He holds degrees in physical therapy and epidemiology. He has lived in his present home in Raleigh for 30 years. Advocacy for justice at the national and international levels extends back to his senior year of high school. Now he finds that indeed, all politics are local, as he speaks out against Raleigh’s implementation of the Missing Middle in Raleigh without sufficient public notice, citizen input or transparency. 

He is a member of the Steering Committee of Save Our Neighborhoods RestoreRaleighZoning

Frank delivered the following comments at the October 10, 2023 City Council meeting:

At Council last Tuesday, October 3, appointments to fill vacancies on boards and commissions were considered. Two nominees to the Human Relations Commission received the five votes required to confirm appointment to that body. We will watch a short video in which our Mayor complains, perhaps even whines, that her recommendations to fill the vacancies on the Commission were not adopted.

I quote the Mayor, “Obviously that fell on deaf ears, so that’s unfortunate.” A couple of fitting expressions come to mind. “Welcome to the club!” and, “Now, the shoe is on the other foot.”

I understand your feelings, Madame Mayor. I’ve been coming to Council for 13 months speaking about the deleterious consequences of the Missing Middle to neighborhoods. I, and my neighbors in Hayes Barton, feel it’s been falling on your deaf ears.

Residents of Woodcrest, where seven townhomes are slated to be built in a sideways orientation on the scraped-clean lot in this photograph must feel that their concerns also are falling on deaf ears. Add to this how the residents of Brookside, Laurel Hills, and Brookhaven feel about the unintended effects of Missing Middle where they live.

And, what about the citizens from across Raleigh who turned out for the More Homes / More Choices sessions last winter and shared their concerns about the negative consequences of Missing Middle. Their feedback has fallen on deaf ears, in spite of Patrick Young and Robin Tatum saying you can make modifications to the text changes.

Concerns that Missing Middle incentivizes the destruction of Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing in favor of replacing it with luxury homes have fallen on your deaf ears.

Do our citizens who feel concerned about the sweeping changes proposed for the New Bern Avenue TOD corridor feel that ears are hearing what they have to say about the risks of gentrification and displacement of Raleigh’s most economically challenged citizens?

Those of us in Raleigh who are concerned with preservation of historic structures feel that our pleas to protect these buildings are falling on deaf ears with the mantra being: Development, full steam ahead! Do the homeowners along the Mine Creek section of the greenway sense that their concerns are falling on deaf or hearing ears?

Again tonight, I note that my requests that my Frisian ethnicity be respected with correct pronunciation of my name have fallen on the deaf ears, blind eyes and hard heart of Mayor “Bald-whine”. It’s unfortunate that turnabout has become fair play.

Read a report on Mayor Baldwin’s inappropriate reaction to Frank Hielema’s comments here: 

Baldwin Violates Code of Conduct  

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