Safe, Vibrant, and Healthy Communities Council Committee
Discussed Z-68-20, but took no action in advance of public hearing on January 18.
Many residents spoke very eloquently about their desire that development in this area be guided by the Cameron Village/Hillsborough Street Small Area Plan as intended.
Mayor and staff seemed to be saying that despite the fact that a huge amount of money and time (time of staff, members of the public, and members of council) was devoted to this small area plan over many years, they don’t feel bound by small area plans.
Staff said the plan doesn’t give guidance (which is incorrect), but that even if it does, they can ignore it. And because the current council has over-ridden plans before, that gives them precedent to do it again.
Councilor Buffkin tried to assert that the public doesn’t really understand what small area plans are (implying that the public shouldn’t actually believe that council is going to abide by them.)
As Councilor Cox pointed out, a small area plan is intended to provide more detailed guidance for a small area than the general guidance of the Comp Plan where a small area has different needs than the larger area.
Council Work Session
Research Triangle Park – Current and Future Initiatives
- Research Triangle Park (RTP) Foundation provided an overview presentation to provide insight with regard to recent growth and opportunities, initiatives, and where RTP is headed in the coming years.
American Rescue Plan Act – Fiscal Recovery Funds Update
- City is scheduled to receive more than $73.2 million
- Already allocated $2.0m for Non-profit Agency Support, $1.8m for Downtown Economic Development & Activation, $10.0m for Housing & Homelessness, $5.5m for Economic Recovery, and $10.0m for Community Health, with $43.1M yet to be allocated
- During the work session staff presented Community Health Initiative funding recommendations
- They plan virtual learning and listening sessions at the beginning of February for residents, service providers, and the business community, followed by in-person meetings in Spring and Summer