- April 12 work session cancelled; budget work session to be held on April 11.
- Missing Middle Text Change (TC-20-21) public hearing scheduled for May 3.
- Approved refinements to Neighborhood Traffic Management Program.
- Approved Highwoods Property Owners Association Sidewalk Cost Sharing Proposal.
- Discussion about safety and noise in Glenwood South hospitality district. RPD recommending screening people for guns before they enter venues. Will be having conversations with residents and businesses.
- Once again many Council committee meetings are cancelled in April.
- Midtown Municipal Service District added to agenda of Safe, Vibrant, & Healthy Communities Committee.
- Several Councilors asked for funding for projects from Council Contingency funds.
- Mayor Pro Tem Stewart appointed as voting delegate to NC League of Municipalities.
- Public comments focused on homelessness, gentrification, environmental destruction, and parks.
- Many speakers raised concerns at public hearing regarding Annual Housing Action Plan.
- Four rezoning requests were approved. One rezoning request was deferred upon applicant’s request. One Comprehensive Plan Amendment was referred to Committee. Public hearing on BRT Comprehensive Plan amendment will be held open because of conflict with Ramadan.
- Councilor David Cox is absent and excused.
- April 12 work session is cancelled but there will be a budget work session on April 11.
Recognition of Special Awards
- NCSU Women’s Cross-Country Team – 2021 NCAA National Champions
Consent Agenda – Unanimously approved – see details at end of document
Report and Recommendation of the Planning Commission
The following items are scheduled for public hearing at the City Council meeting on April 19, 2022.
- Annexation Petition AX-3-22 – 4520 Whitfield Road (District C) – applicant has asked this item to be pulled from the agenda
- Text Change TC-4-21 – Transit Street Cross-Sections and Green Plus Frontage
- Rezoning Z-60-21 – 4412, 4408, 4404, 4324 Tryon Road (District D)
- Rezoning Z-78-21 – Dawson and Martin (District D)
- Rezoning Z-79-21 – Hoke Street and Garner Road (District C)
- Rezoning Z-85-21 – Bloodworth, Cabarrus, and East Streets (District C)
There are two items scheduled for public hearing at the City Council meeting on May 3, 2022.
- Text Change TC-20-21 – Missing Middle 2.0 – More Homes, More Choices
- Rezoning Z-57-21 – New Bern Avenue and Bart Street (District C)
Special Items
- Neighborhood Traffic Management Program – Project Offerings and Timelines – see presentation at https://go.boarddocs.com/nc/raleigh/Board.nsf/files/CD7MT85CBA44/$file/20220405RDOTNTMPstaffpresentation.pdf
- To address customer expectations and wait times staff recommends the following – approved unanimously
- Add a longevity component to scoring – One point will be added to the total score for every year a street has waited since their first evaluation (meeting criteria) for a future project
- Allow recently approved Policy changes to take effect – Changes to the policy were just approved that will directly address a number of historical roadblocks in project delivery. These new changes should decrease delivery timelines and increase output (up to 20 streets a year).
Report & Recommendation of the City Manager
- Rezoning Referrals to Subcommittees – see presentation at https://go.boarddocs.com/nc/raleigh/Board.nsf/files/CD7MTK5CC016/$file/20220405PLANDEVReferralsToCommitteePresentation.pdf
- Councilor Branch suggests keeping status quo
- Councilor Knight wants more discussion
- Mayor Baldwin says previous councils sent things to committee to kill them, which is NOT TRUE; she doesn’t understand that the devil is in the details and previous council felt it important to engage with the community and understand potential unintended consequences during committee meetings and discussions; she wants to send things to committee after public hearings, but keep the status quo where Presiding officer can refer an item to subcommittee without objection. If two or more members object, a simple majority vote will refer
- Highwoods Property Owners Association Sidewalk Cost Sharing Proposal Feedback Request – see presentation at https://go.boarddocs.com/nc/raleigh/Board.nsf/files/CD7MTX5CC631/$file/20220405RDOTHighwoodsSidewalksAgreementPresentation.pdf
- Approved
- St. Augustine’s University – Request to Install Pole Banners – see presentation at https://go.boarddocs.com/nc/raleigh/Board.nsf/files/CD7MU45CCD42/$file/20220405RDOTpolebannersStAugustinePresentation.pdf
- Approved
- Glenwood South and Vicinity – Public Safety Update – see presentation at https://go.boarddocs.com/nc/raleigh/Board.nsf/files/CD7MUG5CD408/$file/20220405RPDGlenwoodSouthUpdatePresentation.pdf
- Weapons violations increased from 16 in June 2019-March 2020 to 76 in June 2021-March 2022; during same time period assaults/person crimes increased from 152 to 170, including attacks on EMS and public safety officials; and there was an increase from 192 to 347 in traffic incidents
- Up to 12,000 people in the area every weekend
- Alcohol and handguns are a big concern
- RPD initiated education campaign and ongoing discussions with business owners and managers, increased weekend patrols, and increased enforcement of violations
- Increased complaints from neighbors
- Recommend using magnetometers to reduce weapons, strengthening penalties for violations, addressing traffic gridlock and overcrowding so that EMS can get in when needed, better lighting and signage
- Mayor Baldwin asks for involvement of Glenwood South partnership to involve residents and businesses. Also asks about making magnetometers mandatory as part of hospitality permit. Mayor Pro Tem Stewart concerned whether we can require magnetometers and City Attorney is investigating. Councilor Melton still doesn’t want to squelch vibrancy but supports efforts to make it safer. Councilor Forte asks about noise issues. RPD says enforcing noise ordinance is tricky because there are so many noisy properties that it’s difficult to tell which are contributing to the noise. RPD and City Attorney looking at rewriting codes to address. City wants to prioritize gun violence prevention activities.
Report & Recommendation of the Sister Cities Association of Raleigh, Inc.
- Additional Sister City Relationships – Memoranda of Understanding – Guadalajara (Mexico), Rionegro (Colombia), and Syr El Donnieh (Lebanon)
- Council asked for more information on how staff could support; will bring back for future discussion
Report & Recommendation of the Economic Development & Innovation Committee
- Social Districts and Accessory Commercial Units pending
- Will schedule an in-person meeting in April, but not on 4/26 because of conflict with inter-city visit
Report & Recommendation of the Growth & Natural Resources Committee
- No April meeting; Mayor Baldwin commented on how happy Mayor Pro Tem Stewart seemed to be about not having an April meeting
Report & Recommendation of the Safe, Vibrant, and Healthy Community Committee
- No April meeting because of conflict with inter-city visit; will reschedule in May
- Add Midtown MSD to Pending Items
Report & Recommendation of the Transportation and Transit Committee
- Expansion of Sidewalk Width – requested report from staff
- No pending items and no April meeting
Report from the Mayor and City Council
- Councilor Branch looking forward to getting more information on noise ordinance. St. Augustine University has requested support from City for installation of new President – Branch will recommend $5000 to be discussed at next council meeting. Attended NCDOT meeting regarding connectivity between Richmond and Raleigh with 4 stops in Raleigh – web site being set up. Participated in Regional Transit Trip in Florida with Mayor Baldwin.
- Councilor Buffkin asking for $5136 for Hollows Community Garden Annual Plant Exchange on 4/24 to be voted on at April 19 meeting.
- Councilor Knight asked for staff report on sidewalk programs with regard to budget implications.
- Mayor Pro Tem Stewart will miss April 19 Council meeting.
- Mayor Baldwin discussed Regional Transit Trip, praised Dreamville Festival and impact on local businesses, and requested $20k in matching funds for CrimeStoppers Program.
Public Comment
- Christina Jones on lack of clarity around roles and responsibilities for people serving on Boards and Commissions, as well as lack of interaction with Councilors.
- Peter G? on need to clean up homeless camps on Capital Boulevard. Councilor Cox agreed the City needs to do more to help the homeless and pointed out that now that some of the land has been annexed, the City will be able to do more. Mayor Baldwin said we need to let the County show leadership.
- Larry Miller asking for funding for Devereux Meadow in next Parks Bond.
- Haley Kinsler on flaws with redistricting process and the City’s apparent lack of regard for the Voting Rights Act.
- Chris Chrisman on how development is harming our environment by clearcutting trees.
- Cole McMullin on participatory budgeting.
- Karen Wing on Laurel Hills neighborhood opposition to high-density development at 4008 Laurel Hills Road due to stormwater concerns, traffic concerns, and neighborhood character concerns.
- Lou Velasco asking for support for Devereux Meadows Park.
- Shy E? spoke passionately about housing insecurity and homelessness and gentrification in Raleigh. Spoke in favor of Council Candidates Mary Black (District A), Wanda Hunter (District C), and Josh Bradley (At-Large).
- Josh Bradley on cost of living in Raleigh, gentrification, and impact on low-income workers. Also concerned about impact of Bus Rapid Transit on gentrification. Making changes to encourage walkability without adequate infrastructure is ableist and classist. Lifting people out of poverty and not over-policing, is the way to reduce crime.
Public Hearing
- FY2022-2023 Annual Housing Action Plan. Staffer John Niffenegger with Housing and Neighborhoods presented the city’s HUD-required Consolidated Plan for housing. Hearing closed and will vote in May.
- Rezoning TCZ-4-20 / Z-66-20: Crabtree Valley PD, the block bounded by Homewood Banks Drive, Blue Ridge Road, and Crabtree Valley Avenue, which is south of Crabtree Valley Mall (District E) – approved unanimously
- Rezoning Z-68-20: Hillsborough Street and Bagwell Avenue, at the northeast corner of the intersection (District D) – approved unanimously
- Rezoning Z-54-21: 0 & 5000 Louisburg Road, on its east side, 300 feet north of its intersection with Valley Stream Drive (District B) – approved unanimously
- Rezoning Z-61-21: 316 W Edenton St, at the northeast corner of W Edenton St and N Harrington St – approved applicant request for deferral until May 3; Councilors Cox and Branch, as well as Mayor Baldwin suggests developer and residents work together and reconvene on May 3. Staff will provide more clarity about consistency versus inconsistency.
- Rezoning Z-68-21: 1624 Glenwood Ave, near the intersection of Glenwood Ave and Fairview Rd (District E) – Approved unanimously along with requiring Fire Department and Planning Department to work with businesses to fix access issues for fire safety.
- Comprehensive Plan Amendment CP-2-21 and the Capital North Corridor Plan: A Future of Choice – moved to Transit & Transportation Committee to discuss further and come up with creative solutions
- Comprehensive Plan Amendment CP-10-21 and the Western Boulevard Corridor Study: Wake Bus Rapid Transit – public hearing held open because of conflict with Ramadan. Staff pointed out that this is the first of many public hearings on BRT.
Consent Agenda – Unanimously approved
- Consent Agenda Process
- Disposition of Surplus Property – Bid for 321 S. Tarboro Street – Negotiated Offer and Upset Bid Process
- Authorize Quitclaim Deed of Interests – Property Located at 2949 White Oak Road
- License Agreement – Authorization for Outdoor Seating on City Plaza
- Cost-share Agreement – Traffic Signal – Atlantic Springs Road and Atlantic Avenue
- Petition Annexation – AX-35-21- Contiguous Inside ETJ – 2018, 2019 Seneca Drive (District B)
- Petition Annexation – AX-28-21- Contiguous Inside ETJ – 3410, 3320 Tryon Road; 2109 Rannette Street (District D)
- Public Hearing Request – Revised FEMA Flood Maps
- Preliminary Assessment Roll – Sandy Forks Road Improvements
- Supplemental Utility Construction Agreement – NCDOT (I-5111/I-4738/U-6903) – Relocation of Water Lines along Jones Sausage Road
- Utility Construction Agreement – NCDOT (B-5318) Replace Bridge #126 over Smith Creek on SR 2044 – Town of Wake Forest
- Professional Services – State Street Basin Water and Sewer Improvements Project Phase 3 – CDM Smith, Inc – Contract Amendment No. 4
- Professional Services – Lake Wheeler Road Improvement Project – STV Engineers, Inc. – Contract Amendment No. 1
- Professional Services – Blue Ridge Road Bike/Ped Project – SEPI Engineering and Construction, Inc.
- Professional Services – On Call Engineering Services – W.K. Dickson & Company – Contract Amendment No. 1
- Professional Services – Master Service Agreements – Stewart Engineering and McAdams Engineering
- Master Services Agreement – AECOM Technical Services of North Carolina, Inc. – Amendment No. 1
- Professional Services – Dorothea Dix Park Building and Site Analysis – Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates
- Professional Services – Electronic Security and Access Control – Optima Engineering, P.A.
- Contract Services – Pre-employment and Promotion Background Checks – CriminalRecordCheck.com, Inc.
- Contract Services – Cityworks Enterprise License Renewal – Azteca Systems, Inc. – Amendment No. Three
- Contract Services – Safety Shoe Program – Saf-Gard Safety Shoe Company
- 1000 Brookside Drive – Bike Racks
- Appropriation from Special Reserve – Police Department
- Lambeth Drive, Latimer Road, Reynolds Road and Hunting Ridge Road Sidewalks Improvements
- Bid Award – Food Lion & Highland Creek No. 1 Lift Station Abandonment – Pipeline Utilities, Inc.
- Bid Award – Blue Ridge Road Bike/Ped Improvements Project – FSC II, LLC dba Fred Smith Company
- Bus Zone – 1000 North Blount Street
- Multi-way Stops – Compton Road at Latimer Road
- Speed Limit Reductions – Campanella Lane, Grove Barton Road, Lake Hill Drive, The Lakes Drive, and Waycross Street
- No Stopping No Standing “School Days” – Weathergreen Drive