Hello from Livable Raleigh. We have news!

City Council went ahead and adopted its ill-conceived “Tax-Increment Grant” (TIG) policy. But Livable Raleigh’s efforts to expose what’s wrong with their scheme are bearing fruit.
For example: INDYweek editor Jane Porter’s highly critical analysis of TIGs and the deceptive tactics used by Mayor Baldwin and her Council allies. (Only Councilor David Cox voted against the TIG policy.)
Please give Porter’s piece a read.
Meanwhile, our opposition to the TIG policy continues. Livable Raleigh’s “TIG Forum #2: A Community Conversation,” will take place Monday, June 14 from 7-8:30 p.m. Click to register. Let’s get this TIG policy repealed.
Speaking of INDYweek, the nominees for their “Best of the Triangle” awards have been announced, and now we all get to vote. Help determine “Best Pizza in Wake County” and myriad other accolades: vote in INDYweek’s poll.
Frankly, we at Livable Raleigh can’t wait to learn which of the Final 4 contenders will be voted “Biggest Waste of Public Money.” (It’s in the Local Color category.)