Raleigh native Richard Johnson was appalled by Mayor Baldwin’s reaction in response to the Wake County Democrat Party’s endorsement of Terrance Ruth for Raleigh Mayor.

“I have $500,000 in the bank,” she said in an interview with The News & Observer. “I’m going to take my message to all the voters of Raleigh, and not just a few radical activists.”

Her response was in sharp contrast to the more statesmanlike response from challenger Terrance Ruth:

“It’s really encouraging to be endorsed by a group that has been a trusted guide for Wake County residents,” Ruth said. “Since this nonpartisan race has only Democratic candidates, I am sure the decision called for extra research and evaluation. And I want to thank everyone at WCDP that put the time and effort into understanding each candidate.”

Johnson’s Letter to the Editor was published in the July 31 edition of the News & Observer.

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