INDY Week’s “Best of” winners were announced June 15, 2022 and the results show INDY Readers have the same concerns about Raleigh as the voters who told Public Policy Polling they want change.
Livable Raleigh commissioned a poll of Likely Voters and found four of the biggest responses align with the winning selections of the readers of INDY Week.
- 49% believe a lack of Affordable Housing for middle and low-income families is the biggest problem facing Raleigh
- 72% believe City Government in Raleigh is too beholden to developers
- 74% believe Raleigh is failing its low-income and minority communities
- 62% believe the new Tax Increment Grant policy to subsidize developers is a bad idea
You can see those responses below.
Click on the images to expand
Here you can see the winning responses to the INDY Week “Best of” categories that correlate to the polling results.

You can read and download the full Polling Report here
There are many more interesting results to review

You can see the full INDY Week “Best of” results here:

Livable Raleigh Editorial Team