Business As Usual?

It’s clear that the COVID-19 pandemic is a serious threat to our health, safety, and way of life. Please adhere to the guidelines from local, state, and national governments. And please do what you can to help others. We will not recover quickly or easily from the human toll or the economic repercussions. 

At the March 17 Council meeting, many individuals were appalled to see the Mayor and Council majority asking staff to “fast-track” plans to spend part of the hotel and prepared foods tax revenue on a downtown soccer stadium.

The feasibility study clearly showed that the stadium will not bring in a great deal of revenue and will cannibalize events from existing venues. Moving forward at this time seems especially inappropriate given the fact that thousands of local businesses and hospitality workers are experiencing extreme financial distress.

Many Raleigh residents are suggesting the money be used to provide support to the local hospitality industry and its workers instead.

And others are questioning the basic concept of a hotel and prepared meals tax and its impact on poor families who often have few options other than living in hotels and eating prepared fast-foods.

Please email to share your thoughts