City Council Special January 24 Meeting for Public Hearings Rescheduled due to Defective Public Notice


  • Demonstrators in attendance chanted “defund RPD and find justice for Darrell Williams.” Mr. Williams died after being tased while in custody of RPD.
  • There were technical issues for people trying to sign up so the Mayor allowed people to speak who had not been successful in signing up.
  • First two annexations and rezonings were held open until after a work session in late February that will address relevant fire service issues.
  • Clover Lane annexation (Z-43-22) held open until February 21 to allow more time for discussion between applicant and neighbors
  • Rezoning Z-54-22: Peace & West moved to February 28 meeting of Safe, Vibrant, & Healthy Communities Committee
  • Rezoning Z-55-22: Johnson Street held open to March 7th afternoon session to allow for further discussion on conditions
  • Rezoning Z-72-21: Lake Wheeler Road: sent to Growth & Natural Resources Committee on February 28 at 4pm
  • Rezoning Z-62-22: Cross Link Road: approved unanimously
  • Dix Edge Area Study Final Report and Comprehensive Plan Amendment: sent to February 28th meeting of Growth and Natural Resources Committee
  • Rezoning Z-53-22: Site 2 approved; Sites 1 and 3 moved to February Growth & Natural Resources Committee.


  • Petition Annexation – AX-1-22- Contiguous Outside ETJ – 6720 Rock Quarry Road (District C)
    • Mayor Pro Tem Branch motions to hold this open until March 21 because relevant fire service issues are being discussed at a work session in late February; motion approved unanimously
  • Rezoning Z-2-22: Rock Quarry Road, at the intersection with Whitfield Road (District C)
    • Mayor Pro Tem Branch motions to hold this open until March 21 because relevant fire service issues are being discussed at a work session in late February; motion approved unanimously
  • Petition Annexation – AX-21-22- Contiguous inside ETJ – 7640 Oak Hill Drive (District B)
    • Councilor Patton motions to hold this open until March 21 because relevant fire service issues are being discussed at a work session in late February; motion approved unanimously
  • Rezoning Z-38-22, 7640 Oak Hill Drive, located approximately 0.3 miles northeast of the intersection of Buffaloe Road and Forestville Road (District B)
    • Councilor Patton motions to hold this open until March 21 because relevant fire service issues are being discussed at a work session in late February; motion approved unanimously
  • Rezoning Z-43-22: 405 Clover Ln, both sides, east of Wake Forest Road (District C)
    • Part of Mordecai NCOD
    • Applicant asking to double density
    • Neighborhood concerns about height, traffic, loss of Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing, setbacks, transitions, stormwater runoff, parking, and other issues
    • Mayor Pro Tem Branch makes motion to hold open until February 21 for more negotiation between applicant and neighbors; motion passes unanimously
  • Rezoning Z-54-22: Peace & West, on the northeast corner of the intersection of Peace Street and West Street, approximately 400 feet west of Capital Boulevard (District D)
    • Community concerns about height, site perspectives, traffic, shadows, transition areas, and numerous incompatibilities with Comprehensive Plan
    • Councilor Harrison moves to send to Safe, Vibrant, & Healthy Communities Committee on February 28 and will include public comment opportunities; motion passes unanimously
  • Rezoning Z-55-22: Johnson Street, on the south side of Johnson Street, between St. Marys Street and Boylan Avenue (District D)
    • Staff asked to figure out how to deal with definition of hookah bars 
    • Councilor Harrison moves to keep the case open until March 7 in the afternoon session for further discussion around conditions; motion passes unanimously
  • Rezoning Z-72-21: Lake Wheeler Road, Mercury Street, Maywood Avenue, east of Lake Wheeler Road and west of S. Saunders Street (District D)
    • Neighbors concerned about incompatibility with Comprehensive Plan, Southern Gateway Corridor Study, and the fact that Dix Edge Study has not yet been completed
    • Concerns about lack of development plan, height, transitions, stormwater, affordability, and equity
    • Councilor Harrison moves to send to Growth & Natural Resources Committee on February 28 at 4pm; motion unanimously approved
  • Rezoning Z-62-22: Cross Link Road, west side, approximately one-quarter mile south of intersection with Dandridge Drive (District C)
    • Mayor Pro Tem Branch moves to approve; motion passes unanimously
  • Dix Edge Area Study Final Report and Comprehensive Plan Amendment
    • Neighbors point out inconsistencies with Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map
    • Asking for Model Community Benefits Agreement that should apply to all relevant rezoning cases
    • Councilor Harrison wants to move to GNR Committee; Mayor Baldwin wants to bring back to full council for further discussion; Councilor Forte asks how to get more community feedback; Mayor Pro Tem Branch suggests bringing to work session; Councilor Melton wants to deal with quickly; Mayor asks to hold at table because work sessions are booked through May already and don’t typically allow public comment; Councilor Jones suggests calling a special meeting; Mayor doesn’t want to “get into that habit.” Councilor Forte suggests rescheduling work sessions and allowing public comment. Councilor Patton suggests moving to Committee as well and Councilor Harrison says everyone can attend Committee meetings. Mayor Baldwin moves to hold until March 7th afternoon session and motion is defeated 6 to 2. Councilors Harrison and Black continue to push sending to GNR. Mayor Pro Tem Branch suggests March 6 meeting. Councilor Harrison moves to send to February 28 GNR and motion passes 7 to 1 with Mayor Baldwin in opposition.
  • Rezoning Z-53-22 S Wilmington St, Summit Ave, Water Works St near the intersection of Water Works Street and Summit Avenue (District D)
    • Neighbor said the PC initially voted not to recommend approval but changed after a “heavy sales pitch” from City staff. Actual Planning Commission recommendation was approval (5-3) for Sites 1 (1500 S. Wilmington Street) and 2 (15 Summit Ave) and denial (8-0) for Site 3 (151 Water Works Street).
    • Major concerns about flooding in this area, especially as it is being considered for Affordable Housing. Many speakers pointed out the inappropriateness of putting affordable housing in a flood plain.
    • Mayor suggests touring the site as part of the retreat. Councilor Harrison says she has visited the site and points out the problems with the site. Councilor Black expresses concerns about the flood plain as well. Councilor Melton makes a motion to move forward with site 2; passes unanimously. Councilor Harrison moves to send sites 1 and 3 to February GNR meeting and Mayor asks staff to bring forward ideas; motion passes unanimously.
    • Mayor suggests council tour the site as part of their retreat, but not much interest.