Chris Crew was born in Morganton, NC and moved to Raleigh in 1964. He’s been a resident of Historic Oakwood since 1975.

Educated at NCSU and UNC-Chapel Hill, works for the State of NC in Public Safety. Preservationist, Cook, Trombonist, Brewer, Choirboy, Grandfather.

Chris delivered the following comments to City Council on Septmber 12, 2023:

Good evening, members of the Council; Madame Mayor.

I was disappointed by your action last month to reduce time for public comments. Your votes indicate to me that you are only interested in hearing 2/3 of what people have to say.

Tonight I would like to focus on Preservation by discussing preservation of good governance.

Preservation of good governance demands public input.

Last month’s move to shorten time for public comments was detrimental to the preservation of good governance. Government works best when multiple and diverse stakeholders participate and share viewpoints and ideas with elected officials.

Good citizens take time out of their schedules and lives to come and help you reach consensus and make decisions that benefit the broader community. Don’t diminish and belittle that input. The people who come before you every month are committed to helping you do a better job. Nurture opportunities for conversation and discussion. Practice active listening and show by your actions that you perceive the message.

Joseph Story was an Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court and renowned scholar of the constitution and good governance. He observed that “Republics are created by the virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizens. They fall when the wise are banished from the public councils because they dare to be honest, and the profligate are rewarded because they flatter the people, in order to betray them.”

It is incumbent on you to preserve good relations with the citizens who place their trust in you.

And while you’re at it, I implore you to find a better solution to the wholesale zoning changes associated with the New Bern Corridor TOD. At present, there’s no rational plan to protect the existing property owners from gentrification and no viable plan to replace the naturally occurring affordable housing that will surely be lost.

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