Raleigh’s Community Engagement Manager Tiesha Hinton out front before the Hillsborough-Wade CAC meeting.


On Thursday, March 30th, the Hillsborough-Wade CAC held its first in-person meeting in over 3 years! The meeting and program was a huge success. We had over 50 residents in attendance, and the program included two City Councilors and staff from Raleigh’s Community Engagement Office. We started off with District D Councilor Jane Harrison and District E Councilor Christina Jones addressing the audience and taking questions. Jeff Murison gave us an update on the Hillsborough Street Community Corporation. The final presentation and Q&A was by Community Engagement Manager Tiesha Hinton, Dale Neal, and Debra Kuffner; all from Raleigh’s Community Engagement Office. They did a PowerPoint presentation on progress over the past year, explained the structure of their office and its outreach to Raleigh residents.

The crowd was very exited and upbeat about being together after 3 years of only Zoom meetings. There was a good exchange of ideas and opinions between the audience and our presenters. We started and ended the meeting with socializing, including lots of food and drinks thanks to Jeff Murison who brought appetizers from the Jasmin restaurant. Plus many of us CAC members also brought snacks and drinks.

This meeting was a perfect example of what Raleigh’s CACs (Citizen Advisory Councils) do so well: providing 2-way communication between Raleigh residents and our City of Raleigh government. With both elected representatives and City staff participating in this meeting, it was an excellent opportunity for residents to learn what’s going on in Raleigh and also to be heard by our City government.

We really appreciated this opportunity to meet in person, especially in the Jaycee Community Center where we used to meet before the pandemic and the City Council vote to abolish City support of CACs. Thanks to Councilors Harrison and Jones (plus the new City Council majority), Raleigh’s Community Engagement Office, and the City’s Parks Department for making this meeting possible!

We are grateful and look forward to working with our City Council and City staff as we make community engagement a reality for all Raleigh residents.

— Mike Lindsay, Chair of the Hillsborough-Wade CAC


City Councilors Christina Jones and Jane Harrison address the audiance and take questions.

Tiesha Hinton, Debra Kuffner and Dale Neal complete their Community Engagement Office presentation and answer residents’ questions.

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