City Council is making decisions in SECRET AGAIN!!!

City Council is making decisions in SECRET AGAIN!!!

Mayor Baldwin and her City Council majority selected one of three options presented to them for new election district lines without any public discussion of the merits of those three options. They refused to provide the public with any reasoning for their decision....

UPDATE — TAA: Turning Pandemic Pain into Profits and Power — UPDATE

UPDATE — TAA: Turning Pandemic Pain into Profits and Power — UPDATE

As the NC Council of State has voted to end the state’s eviction moratorium, we feel now is a good time to re-examine the relationships between members of Raleigh’s City Council, the Triangle Apartment Association and a Full Service Eviction Service who notes now is a good time to clean out less than desirable tenants.

City Council’s Code of Conduct Demands Respect for Citizens

City Council’s Code of Conduct Demands Respect for Citizens

The Raleigh City Council has a formal "Code of Conduct" which defines acceptable behavior for the councilors.  One section of the code defines how the councilors are expected to behave in interactions with the public.   CONDUCT WITH THE PUBLIC Public meetings and...

City Council votes 7 to 1 to destroy Azalea Falls.

City Council votes 7 to 1 to destroy Azalea Falls.

At the October 6 Raleigh City Council afternoon meeting, David Knight led a spurious, yet successful effort to destroy Azalea Falls, one of Raleigh’s designated National Historic sites.  As usual, the development-driven Council majority voted 7 to 1 (David Cox being the lone dissenter) to perpetrate another environmental disaster in our community.