David Knight lashes out at community groups

David Knight lashes out at community groups

David Knight is struggling to divert voter attention away from his council record of development industry payola, citizen suppression and environmental destruction by lashing out at anyone who dares to fact-check his false claims.

Cat Lawson, Dist A Candidate, Does She Trust the Citizens?

Cat Lawson, Dist A Candidate, Does She Trust the Citizens?

If Cat Lawson’s understanding of being a City Councilor is that it is an “exercise in public trust,” why doesn’t she trust the public to know who she really is when she is asking for their support and their votes? Why is she scrubbing her history of anything that might be problematic for her run for office?

Mary Black-Branch, Dist A Candidate, in her own words

Mary Black-Branch, Dist A Candidate, in her own words

Mary Black-Branch is Livable Raleigh's endorsed candidate for City Council in District A. She recently answered a question about herself on Twitter and we are reposting her answer here.   Question: What got you into activism? Mary's answer: This is actually a...

Mayor Baldwin, Jonathan Melton and several City Council candidates take anti-LGBTQ cash

Mayor Baldwin, Jonathan Melton and several City Council candidates take anti-LGBTQ cash

INDYWeek reminds us in their Daily Mail that Lt Governor Mark Robinson is still a bigot.
But they fail to make the connection to Raleigh City Council.
So, it’s time to update our previous report noting that developer John Kane is a BIG donor to Lt. Governor Mark Robinson and he is also a BIG donor to Raleigh Mayor Mary-Ann Baldwin, Councilor Jonathan Melton and several City Council candidates.

Council’s Votes make a Mockery of their own Climate Action Plan

Council’s Votes make a Mockery of their own Climate Action Plan

Raleigh’s adopted 2021 Community Climate Action Plan (CCAP) has no teeth and no Council Champions: The CCAP acknowledges that the plan has no enforcement powers for reducing 98% of Raleigh’s Green House Gas emissions. The Plan also acknowledges it has no metrics for...

DUMP MAYOR BALDWIN – Yard Signs Available

DUMP MAYOR BALDWIN – Yard Signs Available

Be the FIRST in your neighborhood to show your support for DUMPING Mary-Ann Baldwin These yard signs are our Thank You gift for a MINIMUM donation of $10. We will happily accept more. This is the FIRST shipment. Get yours before they are GONE. Donations accepted...

A Soft Coup of Democratic City Government

A Soft Coup of Democratic City Government

I call on City Council within 30 days to formally and individually notify the 30,000 owners of the parcels of land in the frequent transit areas, in easy-to-understand language, of what may now be built next to and across the street from them as a result of stripping traditional zoning protections

Calling All Volunteers

Calling All Volunteers

Volunteers Needed for City Council Elections November 8th and for Early Voting starting October 20th   We need your help! Livable Raleigh is gearing up to provide and distribute relevant information to Raleigh residents regarding those running for office and to...

Livable Raleigh announces City Council Endorsements

Livable Raleigh announces City Council Endorsements

Terrance Ruth is a breath of fresh air for our city, a man Raleigh will be proud to say is our mayor. His election will restore the integrity and decency to the mayor’s office that Raleigh voters could count on in the past, but that’s been missing these last three years.
With Ruth at the Council table, LR recommends a slate of “change” candidates that, as a group, reflect our organization’s commitment to diversity, equity and social justice across racial, gender and age differences.
Each of our endorsed candidates brings a unique, valuable set of experiences that, when brought together on Council, will help Mayor Ruth lead the way to Raleigh’s best future.