While Raleigh is booming, more and more folks are finding it harder to afford living in our City. Rents and real estate prices keep going up and up, while naturally occurring affordable housing (NOAH) is disappearing. The affordable apartments in these photos will be...
Comment on Missing Middle Housing by 8/14 – How to Make Raleigh’s Missing Middle Policy Better
Daniel Parolek coined the phrase "Missing Middle Housing." He recently held a webinar explaining the common mistakes made when implementing this policy. Raleigh is making most of those mistakes with this text change. The Top Five Missing Middle Housing Implementation...
What’s in a Text Change? The Case of TC-4-20, an Effort to Weaken Residential Infill Development Standards. (You expected something else from this Council?)
The City is on the verge of changing our rules about residential infill, and not in a good way. That’s our short take on TC-4-20, a “Text Change” that would amend and loosen the city’s zoning code – the so-called Unified Development Ordinance, or UDO.