Our Coalition is asking the city council to embed a mental health professional into the 911 call center to divert calls from police to unarmed community response teams and ACORNS and we are asking the council to house these programs under a newly created department of public safety, not under RPD.
Find the Political Will to do what is Right for the People
We have come here for years asking for accountability measures to be put in place for the Raleigh Police Department. And have got nothing. However these folks who had a perfectly good transportation system had an entire new one implemented on them. All kinds of resources put into creating something no one wanted. Political will!
May 16 Council Work Session and Afternoon Session
Election Reform, City budget, housing, crime, and rezoning requests
Protect Democracy, Freedom & Human Rights
There are a lot of attacks on democracy, freedom, and human rights that are coming out of the General Assembly these days. Attacks on reproductive health care (including abortion), trans youth, fair elections, education, etc. What are you as our elected City Council going to do to resist this acceleration into fascism that is happening in the state?
Proactive Policing doesn’t work
Raleigh’s policing tactics should not be similar to one that was proven to be racially discriminatory, unconstitutional, and a failure at stopping crime.
Attorney to Council: Stop RPD’s abusive use of deadly force
An out of control police department with no accountability or functioning leadership creates a real and present danger to Black and brown people in southeast Raleigh. You were elected to run the city in a way that is ethically and fiscally responsible. Allowing RPD to run roughshod over an entire community, with impunity, satisfies neither of the aforementioned responsibilities.
HIGHLIGHTS Mayor Baldwin and Councilor Melton both absent and excused from afternoon meeting; Mayor Baldwin also absent and excused from evening meeting $50k unanimously approved for Wake Legal Support Center One community center in each District will be made...
Will Raleigh Join its Progressive Sisters, Asheville and Durham, and Take Action on Reparations?
Asheville and Durham leaders take decisive action to confront and eliminate the damage of systemic race bias while Raleigh leaders have yet to offer more than token gestures. On July 14, 2020, the Asheville City Council marked an historic moment by holding a unanimous...
Raleigh City Council votes for a more powerful Police Advisory Board
We at Livable Raleigh are very pleased that the Raleigh City Council wants a more powerful Police Advisory Board. On Tuesday, the Council voted unanimously for a letter to be sent to all three branches of state government asking for additional powers. The Council wants authority to provide more transparency, oversight, and power to our community.
Raleigh is in crisis: What now for our City?
We are two cities in one: A surging city for whites and the highly educated. A city in crisis for many African-Americans and other people of color.