Tax Breaks for Developers and Tax Hikes for Homeowners

Tax Breaks for Developers and Tax Hikes for Homeowners

Mayor Baldwin and her City Council majority including Jonathan Melton, Stormie Forte, Corey Branch and David Knight, who are all running for re-election, implemented a tax break policy for developers known as a “Tax Increment Grant” or TIG. Despite Baldwin’s claim otherwise, it can cost the City of Raleigh 5 million dollars in tax rebates every year FOREVER.

David Knight is having a terrible, no good, very bad week.

David Knight is having a terrible, no good, very bad week.

At the Oct 4, 2022 City Council meeting, several speakers during the Public Comments portion of the meeting called out David Knight for LYING to the public. We are amazed his nose hasn't grown several sizes longer just like Pinocchio! Frank Hielema pointed out...

David Knight must cease and desist immediately.

David Knight must cease and desist immediately.

At a candidate forum last week, David Knight falsely accused Livable Raleigh of being a Super PAC (Political Action Committee). We’re NOT. We’re a registered 501(c)(4) non-profit organization. PACs are organizations like the “NC Property Rights Fund” and “Triangle Government Alliance” who together supported Knight’s 2019 campaign with spending of nearly $70,000 during an election where Knight got over 70% of his campaign financing from the development industry.

It’s David Knight causing the lack of civility at City Council.

It’s David Knight causing the lack of civility at City Council.

It has been noted that there is a lack of civility at council in addressing Raleigh’s runaway growth. What is the root cause of that lack of civility? Could it start with the name-calling by the mayor and Councilor Knight who refer to their opposition in the pejorative use of Activist and Radical Activist? Could it be fueled by Councilor Knight who refers to citizens who dissent with giving a city staffer unlimited speaking time during the 1-minute public comments period as rude, entitled folks?

David Knight is the one misleading the public.

David Knight is the one misleading the public.

I would like to correct some statements that were made by Mr. Knight at the Sept 20th Work Session. Mr. Knight totally twisted the work of the CACs. The only one misleading the public is Mr. Knight.

Melton will take $$$ from ANYONE!

Melton will take $$$ from ANYONE!

At a City Council At-Large Candidate Forum held Sept 27, 2022, Councilor Jonathan Melton said “I’ll take ANY contribution” in a response to a question about the influence of big real estate developers on Council. That includes a sexual predator and an Anti-LGBTQ bigot.

October 4 City Council Meetings

October 4 City Council Meetings

HIGHLIGHTS o Southeast Special Area Study referred to Planning Commission. This would potentially involve adding an area larger than the size of the Town of Chapel Hill to Raleigh. Discussion about whether or not Raleigh has the water to accommodate this growth,...