Vote for Livable Raleigh as Best Local Activist Group in the Triangle
Strange Bedfellows? Baldwin, Robinson are the Indy’s “Worst” for a Reason
They say politics makes strange bedfellows. Not so strange, however, when the thing they have in common is big-money backers like our good friend developer John Kane.
Livable Raleigh Named “Best Local Activist Group”
INDY Week Readers Name Livable Raleigh Best Local Activist Group - Wake County - 2023 Our sincere thanks to everyone who participated in the event. We pledge to continue bringing you the kind of local activism you appreciate. Livable Raleigh was started in the...
Raleigh facing issues similar to Durham
As density increases, the need for conscious, deliberate stormwater and other utility planning also increases. Instead, three years ago, the city decided to allow individual developers to do as they please “as of right.” Now the city denies any responsibility for the predictable mayhem that is resulting. My neighbor’s flooding is just one real-world example of the problems that occur when the city abandons its responsibility for strategic growth planning and oversight, and instead deregulates development.
INDY Week’s Best of Wake County 2023
The readers of INDY Week have nominated us as the “BEST OF” in two categories. We are humbled. It’s an honor just to be nominated. Also…WE WANT TO WIN. Voting is open NOW thru March 29
Response to INDY Week – CACs are coming back
INDY Week published a story about the recent City Council decision allowing CACs access to meeting space in 5 specific city community centers. We respond with a few points of clarification. The highlighted statements are quotes from the INDY Week article.
Bob Geary in the Indy: In the Raleigh Elections, I’m Voting for Growth AND Equity. Not Growth Without Equity.
The first camp favors letting the market work without regulation, arguing that it will serve rich and poor alike – but knowing that it won’t – while the second camp favors using the powers of city zoning to assure that growth occurs and serves the interests of all.
Livable Raleigh’s polling results confirmed by INDY Week’s “Best of” winners
INDY Week's "Best of" winners were announced June 15, 2022 and the results show INDY Readers have the same concerns about Raleigh as the voters who told Public Policy Polling they want change. Livable Raleigh commissioned a poll of Likely Voters and found four...
INDY Week’s Best Of 2022 – Voting begins
The readers of INDY Week have nominated us as the "BEST OF" in three categories. We are humbled. It's an honor just to be nominated. Also... WE WANT TO WIN. Voting is open from April 11 thru May 8 You will be asked to register with your email address. Once you confirm...
INDY Week Best of 2022 – We are a Finalist
The readers of INDY Week have nominated us as the "BEST OF" in three categories. We are humbled. It's an honor to be nominated. We are nominated in three categories in the LOCAL COLOR group. Best Local Activist Group - Livable Raleigh Best Local Facebook Page -...