Highlights from October 14 Work Session and Afternoon Session
Highlights from June 4 Council Meeting
HIGHLIGHTS Typical issues with transparency. Meeting start time initially reported at 1pm, then 12noon, then livestream was supposed to start at 12:40. It actually started at 1:18pm. Apparently a panel discussion occurred when they weren’t filming and no details were...
Highlights from the November 21, 2023 Work Session and Afternoon Session
October 17, 2023 City Council Meetings
Highlights from October 17 work session and afternoon session
Budget Priorities for Affordable Housing
This budget does NOT adequately provide for affordable housing, despite the $80 million bond. The parks bond is $250 million. Apparently the Dix Park and Smoky Hollow Parks are more important than making sure our residents are properly and affordably housed. The small amount allocated for rehabbing naturally occurring housing is not getting the job done.
The Dix Edge Study: Let’s Hope City Council Can Save It With Corrective Surgery
As it stands, the Dix study would do little more than say to developers, “Keep doing what you’re doing” and the city will help grease the wheels. We don’t need a study for that. The wheels are fully greased. What we do need, and fast, is a thoughtful revision of the study that puts the brakes on pernicious development while it puts in place – in the zoning code and related policies – a strong set of policies to insure that development will henceforth serve the broad public interest, and not just its investors.
Dix Park Edge Study – Be Bold
To say the Dix Edge area study is long-awaited is like saying that Wolfpack football is a little overdue. The fact is that this study by the city’s planning staff of how to manage growth in the Dix Edge area – the large swath of land and neighborhoods east and south of Dorothea Dix Park – is 10 years late.
The Community wants to work with Council — please let us!
RCAC Chair Christina Jones spoke at the January 18 City Council meeting: The Raleigh Citizens Advisory Council is made up of all Active CAC Leadership teams and meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month on ZOOM. Council members are always invited to attend and...