As an over 50 year resident of Raleigh, I write in opposition to the action taken yesterday afternoon by the council to give a mid-year raise to the city manager of a whopping 10% to her already $323,977 annual salary. As a taxpayer and Raleigh resident, this huge mid-fiscal year raise, while our city’s public safety and first responder workforce are in critical need of human resources and competitive compensation, along with the embarrassing lack of action for a year on the highly public and negatively media focused parade permitting process is embarrassing at the very least while sending very negative, questionable signals to city employees and the public of what the Mayor, City Manager and Council value most.
December 5, 2023 City Council Meetings
Highlights from December 5, 2023 Council Meetings
Highlights from the November 21, 2023 Work Session and Afternoon Session
City Council Meetings – November 7, 2023
Highlights from November 7, 2023 City Council Meeting
October 3, 2023 City Council Meeting Highlights
Highlights from the October 3, 2023 City Council Afternoon and Evening Meetings
Budget Priorities for Affordable Housing
This budget does NOT adequately provide for affordable housing, despite the $80 million bond. The parks bond is $250 million. Apparently the Dix Park and Smoky Hollow Parks are more important than making sure our residents are properly and affordably housed. The small amount allocated for rehabbing naturally occurring housing is not getting the job done.
Council approves FY24 budget
Council unanimously approves FY24 budget.
June 6 City Council Meetings
June 6 City Council Meetings HIGHLIGHTS Several councilors asked that rezoning case schedules be managed to limit the number at each meeting so that each case receives appropriate time and attention. Planning staff will come back with schedule suggestions. Unanimously...
Budget Work Session – June 5, 2023
Highlights from June 5 Budget Work Session — focus on budget notes and parking rate/fee changes
May 16 Council Work Session and Afternoon Session
Election Reform, City budget, housing, crime, and rezoning requests