Highlights from April 8 Budget work session, April 9 Afternoon Work Session, and April 9 Evening Public Comments Session
City Council Meetings March 11 & 12, 2024
Highlights from March 11 budget work session, March 12 work session on strategic plan, and March 12 public comments.
February 19, 2024 City Council Budget Work Session
Highlights from the February 19 Budget Work Session
City Council Meetings 2.6.24
Highlights City Council voted unanimously to restore a relationship with Citizen Advisory Councils (CACs) to include free monthly access to meeting rooms, provision of technology to support virtual meetings, and support for capability building for future leaders At...
HIGHLIGHTS Typical issues with transparency. Meeting start time initially reported at 1pm, then 12noon, then livestream was supposed to start at 12:40. It actually started at 1:18pm. Apparently a panel discussion occurred when they weren’t filming and no details were...
Meaningful engagement involves listening, hearing & taking action
Listening sessions with no action eventually lead to lack of resident belief that resident needs are indeed being heeded which results in demoralization of residents, or perhaps that is the intent.
Raleigh City Manager quietly receives whopping 10% pay increase
As an over 50 year resident of Raleigh, I write in opposition to the action taken yesterday afternoon by the council to give a mid-year raise to the city manager of a whopping 10% to her already $323,977 annual salary. As a taxpayer and Raleigh resident, this huge mid-fiscal year raise, while our city’s public safety and first responder workforce are in critical need of human resources and competitive compensation, along with the embarrassing lack of action for a year on the highly public and negatively media focused parade permitting process is embarrassing at the very least while sending very negative, questionable signals to city employees and the public of what the Mayor, City Manager and Council value most.
December 5, 2023 City Council Meetings
Highlights from December 5, 2023 Council Meetings
Highlights from the November 21, 2023 Work Session and Afternoon Session
City Council Meetings – November 7, 2023
Highlights from November 7, 2023 City Council Meeting