WORK SESSION Raleigh Police Department – ACORNS Program UpdateFocus on homelessness, mental health concerns, and substance issuesNine dedicated staff membersProvide referrals to community partners across Wake CountyWork with RPD Crisis Intervention Team, RPD Crisis...
City Council Work Session – January 10, 2023
Planning Director Pat Young states that a driver for Missing Middle is housing affordability, but Raleigh’s Missing Middle ordinance doesn’t seem designed to achieve affordability unless you believe in trickle down and their metrics haven’t looked at affordability.
City Council Meeting Highlights — December 6, 2022
HIGHLIGHTS Corey Branch will be Mayor Pro Tem for the first year and Jonathan Melton will be Mayor Pro Tem for the second year. Council Committee assignments will be announced either at December 13 work session or in January. Councilors asked to submit preferences to...
Bob Geary in the Indy: In the Raleigh Elections, I’m Voting for Growth AND Equity. Not Growth Without Equity.
The first camp favors letting the market work without regulation, arguing that it will serve rich and poor alike – but knowing that it won’t – while the second camp favors using the powers of city zoning to assure that growth occurs and serves the interests of all.
Lack of trust in City Council is well deserved
I’m disappointed that while the numbers show engagement has decreased significantly, it’s being reported in a way to make the public think improvements have been made when they have not, All of this during the City Council election as a way to fool the voters. You can’t correct the lack of trust Mickey Fearn found in this Council with this type of deception.
We need leaders, not developer talking heads
When our urban forests are gone, our streams are flooding from overgrowth, and Raleigh is one huge Urban Heat Island, Missing Middle Text politics will not save us.
It’s our city and we can take it back!
The issue is not growth or no growth. It is out of control development and infrastructure as an after the fact band aid to a poorly designed, oversized project.
What Raleigh needs right now is well planned, well executed development that includes actual affordable housing at every turn and incorporates transportation and environmental infrastructure up front.
A Soft Coup of Democratic City Government
I call on City Council within 30 days to formally and individually notify the 30,000 owners of the parcels of land in the frequent transit areas, in easy-to-understand language, of what may now be built next to and across the street from them as a result of stripping traditional zoning protections
City Council Meeting Highlights – September 6, 2022
City Council Meeting – September 6, 2022 HIGHLIGHTS Authorized acquisition of land for the New Bern Crossings affordable rental development project (192 units) City Attorney reports that local governments can restrict public comments from being used to campaign for...
July 5 2022 Raleigh City Council Meeting
HIGHLIGHTS Roberta Fox re-elected as Chair, Planning Commission, and Blannie Miller elected as Vice Chair, Planning Commission. New rules adopted for public participation including “loud noises such as singing, disruptive clapping, shouting, playing instruments,...