April 16 City Council Meeting

April 16 City Council Meeting

Highlights Work session was not on YouTube for the first 20 minutes or so for some reason. Councilors Black and Branch not present for work session. Councilor Branch not present for afternoon session. Proposed new Public Private Partnership policy will focus on...

March 19 City Council Meetings

March 19 City Council Meetings

HIGHLIGHTS Councilor Branch is absent and excused. Transit budget facing $8.2M deficit, even assuming resumption of fares on July 1, 2024. Several options proposed for addressing. Public comments covered rezoning issues, bus ridership, Prince Hall District, natural...

Neighborhood Meeting Attendance Trending Down!

Neighborhood Meeting Attendance Trending Down!

Now that CACs have been reinstated with recognition from the city, we think it’s a good time to review the latest data for the Neighborhood Meetings. What we found is quite disturbing. The attendance at the meetings is getting worse, not better over time.

City Council Meetings 2.6.24

City Council Meetings 2.6.24

Highlights City Council voted unanimously to restore a relationship with Citizen Advisory Councils (CACs) to include free monthly access to meeting rooms, provision of technology to support virtual meetings, and support for capability building for future leaders At...