May 2 City Council Meetings

May 2 City Council Meetings

HIGHLIGHTS Unanimously approved moving public comments to the second Tuesday of the month at 7pm, following a 4-6pm work session, starting in September  Unanimously approved funding for 292 affordable units at $7.05M Fund reallocation and donations for Dix Park...

Why would the city do this?

Why would the city do this?

Should the 30-story zoning case at Peace and West (Z-54-22) be approved by city council?  Is it needed?  Is it good for the surrounding residents of an historic residential neighborhood?  Is it good policy for the city and its residents?  The simple and most straight-forward answer is, no.  It is not reasonable and it is not in the public interest. City council should vote to deny Z-54-22.

Supply, demand, and poorly focused density planning are causing a shortage of truly affordable housing – not zoning.

Supply, demand, and poorly focused density planning are causing a shortage of truly affordable housing – not zoning.

Missing Middle will not repair our history of racist redlining. With all the discussion of zoning’s racist past, there is surprisingly no discussion to ensure that zoning changes will result in more equitable and truly affordable housing choices. It appears that our racist past has been weaponized to support changes that in the end may do nothing to repair it other than providing more opportunities for the building industry. 

April 4, 2023 City Council Meetings

April 4, 2023 City Council Meetings

HIGHLIGHTS Councilor Patton absent and excused Voted unanimously to appropriate $10,000 from Council Contingency to support the United Arts Council's Annual Gala Voted unanimously to approve $492,231 from ARPA funds for Legal Aid of North Carolina,...

Stick to the plan.

Stick to the plan.

Contrary to comments by planning staff, the Comprehensive plan is the guide today, regardless of whether it gets amended in the future. The same is true for the Future Land Use map but, if this application is approved, the area zoning will be changed to accommodate the new building heights for anything being proposed in the future. As a local land use attorney has said, “you have the facts to come to a proper decision on this case without waiting for the details on a future Development Agreement that, in itself, will be controversial and an anchor on the City Budget for the next ten years.

March 21, 2023 City Council Work Session and Afternoon Session

March 21, 2023 City Council Work Session and Afternoon Session

HIGHLIGHTS Longtime City Clerk Gail Smith was honored at her last meeting upon her retirement Public Comments focused on negative impacts of Missing Middle and other rezoning actions that will harm existing neighborhoods, difficulties in engaging with the City,...

Neighborhood Meetings, the Fox is Guarding the Hen House

Neighborhood Meetings, the Fox is Guarding the Hen House

First, the neighborhood meetings that are run by the applicant or their attorneys are not working. Since the developers run the meetings, the information that is being given is often very biased and not accurate coming from the applicant or their attorney.  One attorney said in a neighborhood meeting that the Comprehensive Plan was no longer relevant. There was a city staffer there but they were silent. 

March 7 2023 City Council Meeting

March 7 2023 City Council Meeting

HIGHLIGHTS Councilor Patton’s request to defer Shaw rezoning due to her unavailability on April 4 was voted down; public hearing will be April 4. Rezoning Z-55-22: Johnson Street, held open until April 4 for further negotiation. Rezoning Z-75-22: Edwards Mill Road,...

Pouring Gasoline on Raleigh’s Affordable Housing Bonfire

Pouring Gasoline on Raleigh’s Affordable Housing Bonfire

Raleigh’s highly promoted public information sessions about Missing Middle Housing rules got off to a rocky start last Wednesday evening, being held a year and a half late, after the city’s neighborhood densification rules began going into effect.