Like a child who is told no by one parent, this council now wants to go ask the other parent to see if they can get what they want. Do they just plan to keep asking the question until they get the answer they want?
Official Raleigh survey – residents OPPOSE 4-Year City Council terms
Despite having received two surveys showing lack of support for 4-year terms, council wants to ask the residents again. No District, No Age Group and No Racial or Ethnic Group show majority support for 4-year City Council terms. What part of NO are you having trouble with? Are you just planning to keep taking votes until you get the results you want?
January 16 City Council Meetings Highlights
HIGHLIGHTS Mayor Baldwin absent from Work Session and absent and excused for portion of afternoon session and for evening session. City Council Retreat will be held on Friday, January 26, from 1-5pm at the WakeMed Soccer Park in Cary and on Saturday, January 27,...
City Council’s Election Survey is so biased, it’s useless
The questions are worded with a bias intended to guide the respondents to answer the way the mayor prefers. So, the results of the survey will be meaningless because the questions weren’t inclusive and were engineered to lead to a predictable outcome.
Councilors Melton, Forte & Branch betray the people to serve Baldwin
ALL voters should remember this betrayal when next year’s election comes around. All four of the councilors who voted to restrict the time of the speakers have made it known they plan to run for re-election. What the four of them all said at this meeting is that voters CANNOT TRUST them to honor the commitments they make to the people of Raleigh.
Show the Voters Where You Stand
One year into the terms of the four newly elected Councilors, and with Mayor Pro Tem Branch having filed to run for Mayor, I offer the following thoughts. By now, even our new Councilors own the positions by which Raleigh is currently governed. Your current record and what you do to distinguish yourself over the coming year will determine your perception by the voters in the election one year from now.
Raleigh declines under the leadership of the Mayor of DrunkTown
I’d like to talk to you tonight about how the city of Raleigh has declined under the leadership, or lack of leadership, with Mary-Ann Baldwin.
Council didn’t like your election survey answers. So this time they’re ‘helping’ you get them ‘right’.
Raleigh City Council is doing another survey about election reform. We say another because they did a survey on the topic and published those results in January 2022. But, they didn’t like your answers. So, they are commissioning another survey and this time they are wording the questions differently to try to get answers they like.
RALEIGH PARADE ROLLERCOASTER: Did the Mayor Make Thousands Suffer Because She Was Criticized?
Let’s all remember the City has had nearly a full year to create new safety protocols so that these parade cancellations could have been avoided. And, to-date they have made no public statements about what work they have done to develop the new procedures. Or, if they have even started the process. This debacle and the lack of transparency should be an issue in next year’s City Council election.
New Bern BRT: Bait & Switch or Just Action?
In 2017, ‘The Color of Law’ landed like a bombshell in progressive housing policy circles. In Raleigh, powerful development interests saw the opportunity to adopt — some would say co-opt — Richard Rothstein’s anti-segregation message by promoting pro-density zoning rules that not only lifted exclusionary zoning rules, but went much further. By 2020, a new alliance of developer money, self-righteous Council aspirants and their white privileged adherents provided the lubrication to fast track pro-density zoning proposals. Novice Councilors were assured that pesky public input needn’t impede this sweet deal to meld profits and equity.