City Council Evening Session

The Raleigh City Council will meet for an evening session. Watch Council Meeting Live Stream View agendas and past minutes Visit our City Council page to find your council member and other council services.

City Council Afternoon Session

The Raleigh City Council will meet for an afternoon session. Watch Council Meeting Live Stream View agendas and past minutes Visit our City Council page to find your council member and other council services.

City Council Retreat Day Two

The public can watch the retreat live when in session. The agenda for the event has not been published yet. Troxler Agricultural Sciences Center on the corner of Reedy Creek and Edwards Mill Roads 4400 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh NC 27607

City Council Retreat Day One

City Council members will be traveling to Durham via Amtrak and spending the day in Durham learning about programs and meeting with City and County officials. The day's events will be open to the public and an agenda will be posted when available.  The day's events...

City Council Special Session

The Raleigh City Council will meet for a special session to hold Public Hearings that had previously been improperly noticed. A. 5:00 P.M. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER BY THE MAYOR B. MATTERS SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING Rescheduled Public Hearings - Defective Public...

Pouring Gasoline on Raleigh’s Affordable Housing Bonfire

Pouring Gasoline on Raleigh’s Affordable Housing Bonfire

Raleigh’s highly promoted public information sessions about Missing Middle Housing rules got off to a rocky start last Wednesday evening, being held a year and a half late, after the city’s neighborhood densification rules began going into effect.

City Council Meeting – January 17, 2023

City Council Meeting – January 17, 2023

WORK SESSION Raleigh Police Department – ACORNS Program UpdateFocus on homelessness, mental health concerns, and substance issuesNine dedicated staff membersProvide referrals to community partners across Wake CountyWork with RPD Crisis Intervention Team, RPD Crisis...

Council’s 2023 Retreat: Another Baldwin Shell Game?

Council’s 2023 Retreat: Another Baldwin Shell Game?

Mayor Baldwin knows the most important goal of City Council’s upcoming 2-day retreat is to set strategic priorities for action in the coming term. She also knows that the chances of her priorities prevailing will depend on her ability to prevent other competing Council priorities from being adopted. That is why the first line of defense in Baldwin’s retreat agenda this year is to make sure it is chock-full of plausibly interesting things to see and do, minimizing the time available for other Councilors’ ideas about the future of Raleigh.

Starting off on the wrong foot

Starting off on the wrong foot

Mayor Mary-Ann Baldwin really stepped in it at the first City Council meeting of 2023. It was announced that Day One of the council’s retreat, an annual event of team-building and setting their collective direction for the year, will be held at an undisclosed location in Durham that has no ability to live stream the event for public access. Worse yet, the venue can’t even record the event for viewing after the fact. So much for improved community engagement!

January 3, 2023 City Council Meetings

January 3, 2023 City Council Meetings

HIGHLIGHTS Consent agenda items will be reviewed with council before meetings in future.  Hearings that needed to be rescheduled due to insufficient notice will now be heard at a special council meeting on Tuesday, January 24, at 5pm. And staff has put in place...