Fair compensation for RPD

Fair compensation for RPD

It was embarrassing to listen to both Fire and RPD ask for additional compensation just to stay competitive with neighboring communities. Raleigh has the best training facilities in the area but we suffer from retaining personnel because, although we are the Capital City, we don’t provide fair compensation or benefits.

April 16 City Council Meeting

April 16 City Council Meeting

Highlights Work session was not on YouTube for the first 20 minutes or so for some reason. Councilors Black and Branch not present for work session. Councilor Branch not present for afternoon session. Proposed new Public Private Partnership policy will focus on...

Seeking Redemption as Baldwin Fades

Seeking Redemption as Baldwin Fades

Come November, Raleigh voters may be willing to chalk up the vote to sack CACs as a bad rookie error. More telling will be if voters accept candid apologies for subverting our voting rights. If so, voters may be willing to give Branch, Forte or Melton another chance in office.

Tax Season Fraud Alert – Advice from Raleigh PD

Tax Season Fraud Alert – Advice from Raleigh PD

Attendees at February’s North CAC meeting received some great advice from RPD representatives. Every month at the North CAC meeting we hear a report from RPD officers who come to give details and take questions from those in attendance. This month the officers came with some extra timey advice to avoid tax season scams.

City Council Meetings 2.6.24

City Council Meetings 2.6.24

Highlights City Council voted unanimously to restore a relationship with Citizen Advisory Councils (CACs) to include free monthly access to meeting rooms, provision of technology to support virtual meetings, and support for capability building for future leaders At...

CACs Are Back, We’re Taking Down the Clock!

CACs Are Back, We’re Taking Down the Clock!

Livable Raleigh, a citizens group advocating for effective community engagement on city issues, congratulates City Council for its decision today reinstating Citizens Advisory Councils. The decision pushed by Mayor Baldwin four years ago to cut off the CACs was a mistake, and the vacuum it created has been apparent in the years since then. Today’s decision begins to rectify that mistake.