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INDYWeek Best of the Triangle 2023

INDYWeek Best of the Triangle 2023

In this time of unprecedented attacks on fundamental human rights and bodily autonomy, we believe INDY’s readers have made an excellent choice, naming Planned Parenthood – Orange / Chatham “BEST LOCAL ACTIVIST GROUP” in the Triangle.

Councilors Melton, Forte & Branch betray the people to serve Baldwin

Councilors Melton, Forte & Branch betray the people to serve Baldwin

ALL voters should remember this betrayal when next year’s election comes around. All four of the councilors who voted to restrict the time of the speakers have made it known they plan to run for re-election. What the four of them all said at this meeting is that voters CANNOT TRUST  them to honor the commitments they make to the people of Raleigh.

December 12, 2023 City Council Meeting

December 12, 2023 City Council Meeting

Highlights Despite previously guaranteeing 3 minutes per speaker at Public Comments and establishing a special meeting to accommodate that, Mayor Baldwin instituted a one-minute limit per speaker because 108 people had signed up to speak. Four councilors voted for...

Raleigh City Manager quietly receives whopping 10% pay increase

Raleigh City Manager quietly receives whopping 10% pay increase

As an over 50 year resident of Raleigh, I write in opposition to the action taken yesterday afternoon by the council to give a mid-year raise to the city manager of a whopping 10% to her already $323,977 annual salary. As a taxpayer and Raleigh resident, this huge mid-fiscal year raise, while our city’s public safety and first responder workforce are in critical need of human resources and competitive compensation, along with the embarrassing lack of action for a year on the highly public and negatively media focused parade permitting process is embarrassing at the very least while sending very negative, questionable signals to city employees and the public of what the Mayor, City Manager and Council value most.

Save our parades

Save our parades

Wouldn’t you like to be seen as the heroes who saved our parades, rather than the Grinches who canceled them. Please direct staff to allow vehicles.

Sloppy reporting leads to confused Raleigh residents

Sloppy reporting leads to confused Raleigh residents

In the recent N&O article “Missing Middle, median income and more: The housing jargon you need to know” a mistake was made in the description of missing middle housing. The article conflated housing types with housing prices.

Density does NOT create affordability

Density does NOT create affordability

You could have negotiated to include the same number of 56 affordable units as a community benefit for the increased entitlement given to the applicant while allowing them to benefit financially from 154 additional market rate units. Maybe even go crazy and ask them to increase from 56 to 60 affordable units while still gaining 250 units at market rate. A WIN-WIN for everyone.

Benefits of affordable housing extend beyond providing a roof over one’s head

Benefits of affordable housing extend beyond providing a roof over one’s head

Ultimately, the transformative capacity of affordable housing extends beyond providing a roof over one’s head. It acts as a catalyst for community wide improvements, positively impacting crime rates, mental health, incarceration rates and childhood learning. This isn’t a nice-to-have. It’s essential and it’s a key requirement for a thriving community.

Former Planning Director Mitch Silver is back – now as a lobbyist paid to undercut Raleigh’s planning rules.

Former Planning Director Mitch Silver is back – now as a lobbyist paid to undercut Raleigh’s planning rules.

Speaking before Council Tuesday, Nov 7, Mitchell Silver repeated a false claim he previously made at the Planning Commission – that the Glenwood-Brooklyn neighborhood cannot have Transition Area protection from 30-40 story buildings without first completing an expensive city-mandated Area Plan. But when a Councilor asked city staff if Silver’s Area Plan requirement was true, the simple answer was ‘No’.

Raleigh is underreporting noise complaints to the residents and the media

Raleigh is underreporting noise complaints to the residents and the media

I am here tonight to talk about noise. In Glenwood South we have been very suspect about the numbers being reported by the city. And we were right to be suspect as we now have evidence that the city has downplayed and grossly under-reported noise complaint calls. Every citizen and every news outlet who unwittingly reported the city provided incorrect statistics to the public should be outraged.

BRT Must Benefit New Bern residents as Promised and NOT Displace them

BRT Must Benefit New Bern residents as Promised and NOT Displace them

Counselors: You are the responsible party. The ability and duty are yours. YOU are the key players in insuring that the history of Raleigh, its culture, its communities, its monuments, and its traditions survive for the benefit, edification, and pleasure of future generations.

The Christmas Parade that should have been.

The Christmas Parade that should have been.

If this work can start now and be completed before March, why wasn’t it started last December and completed in time for this year’s parades? There’s been no answer.

Event Materials – Don’t Break Raleigh’s Transit Promises

Event Materials – Don’t Break Raleigh’s Transit Promises

If you weren’t able to attend our Community Conversation on November 16, 2023 for the discussion of Raleigh’s BRT Promises, the video and slides are now available on our “Community Conversations” page where you can find all of our previous events as well.

Show the Voters Where You Stand

Show the Voters Where You Stand

One year into the terms of the four newly elected Councilors, and with Mayor Pro Tem Branch having filed to run for Mayor, I offer the following thoughts. By now, even our new Councilors own the positions by which Raleigh is currently governed. Your current record and what you do to distinguish yourself over the coming year will determine your perception by the voters in the election one year from now.