Two Years Later, Voters Say Things Are Worse Not Better

Two Years Later, Voters Say Things Are Worse Not Better

Livable Raleigh’s new 2024 citywide poll of registered Raleigh voters conducted by nationally recognized professional polling firm Public Policy Polling was published Tuesday, July 23. You can read our press release here: Voter confidence falls
There are some disturbing trends highlighted in the results in 2024 as compared to 2022. Here we compare 5 questions that were asked in 2022 and asked again in 2024:

Councilors Melton and Forte stole your vote

Councilors Melton and Forte stole your vote

When you go to the polls to vote this year, you may notice something missing from your ballot. You were supposed to be able to vote on whether Raleigh City Council terms should be changed from two-year to four-year terms. But, Council Members Melton and Forte took that choice away from you. 

Repeal and Trust the Voters

Repeal and Trust the Voters

The UNC School of Government advised us: “If they’ve already formally adopted the ordinance, a member will need to make a motion to repeal. That motion would need to pass by a majority vote to repeal the ordinance.”

Official Raleigh survey – residents OPPOSE 4-Year City Council terms

Official Raleigh survey – residents OPPOSE 4-Year City Council terms

Despite having received two surveys showing lack of support for 4-year terms, council wants to ask the residents again. No District, No Age Group and No Racial or Ethnic Group show majority support for 4-year City Council terms. What part of NO are you having trouble with? Are you just planning to keep taking votes until you get the results you want?

Raleigh residents are trying to vote

Raleigh residents are trying to vote

Some Raleigh people are showing up at Wake County Board of Elections trying to vote in Raleigh municipal elections. You could be excused for thinking Raleigh is holding city elections now. Every other municipality in Wake County is. And there has been a lot of media reporting about the process and the candidates. Some area cities held primaries so when they have the final election it will result in winning candidates gaining over 50% of the vote. Some allow for runoffs if no candidate does receive over 50% of the vote.

Help Keep the Information Coming

Help Keep the Information Coming

If you rely on the kind of information you are only able to find through Livable Raleigh, we need your help to be able to continue to provide that valuable information to you. We have recently published all the data you need to keep up with the coming City Council...

In a New Poll of Key Issues, Raleigh Voters Call for Change

In a New Poll of Key Issues, Raleigh Voters Call for Change

As the NC primary election season comes to an end and the summer season arrives, it is time to start focusing on Raleigh's upcoming municipal elections. We are rerunning this release of polling data showing what Raleigh voters think of their local city government. You...