Guidelines for Deciding Rezoning Cases

Guidelines for Deciding Rezoning Cases

Livable Raleigh calls on City Council to reform their approach to rezoning applications. Raleigh’s Comprehensive Plan, if followed, offers a clear path to sustainable, equitable growth.

Neighbors left out of the rezoning process – AGAIN!

Neighbors left out of the rezoning process – AGAIN!

Neighbors are generally supportive of affordable housing, stating “Given Raleigh’s commitment to providing affordable housing, … eventually an affordable housing development will probably be placed on this site. Our efforts are to assure that a smaller number of units will be allowed and thus the development will be more compatible with our neighborhood and the environment.”

Will the New Council Fix our Crappy Missing Middle Infill Rules and End the Lawsuits?

Will the New Council Fix our Crappy Missing Middle Infill Rules and End the Lawsuits?

Livable Raleigh and other proponents of Missing Middle best practices have lobbied Council for years to engage in a community conversation toward adopting Missing Middle infill improvements on the books in other peer cities that actually promote affordability, compatibility and walkable transit access. The latest, and perhaps best rules so far, have been adopted by Sacramento, CA.