Neighborhood Meeting Attendance Trending Down!

Neighborhood Meeting Attendance Trending Down!

Now that CACs have been reinstated with recognition from the city, we think it’s a good time to review the latest data for the Neighborhood Meetings. What we found is quite disturbing. The attendance at the meetings is getting worse, not better over time.

Silenced voices will speak the loudest

Silenced voices will speak the loudest

When leadership fails to listen or blatantly disregards or dismisses their constituents, it creates a harsh disconnect between the government and the people it serves. This can and has led to feelings of frustration, anger, and ultimately a breakdown in trust between the community and its leaders.

February 20, 2024 City Council Meetings

February 20, 2024 City Council Meetings

HIGHLIGHTS At work session staff outlined plan for adopting a new comprehensive plan. A robust community engagement process is proposed. Hopefully they will include presentations to CACs. Comprehensive Plan Amendment CP-4-23: Downtown Transition Areas...

Don’t Ban Video Presentations

Don’t Ban Video Presentations

when I have used presentations, they have allowed me to better show the orientation of a townhome development proposed in the single family neighborhood of Woodcrest. I have used presentations to show where mixed-use development would be beneficial along major traffic arteries.



HIGHLIGHTS Typical issues with transparency. Meeting start time initially reported at 1pm, then 12noon, then livestream was supposed to start at 12:40. It actually started at 1:18pm. Apparently a panel discussion occurred when they weren’t filming and no details were...

Locals gather to hear Community Leaders discuss mass upzoning plans for New Bern Ave

Locals gather to hear Community Leaders discuss mass upzoning plans for New Bern Ave

An overflow crowd turned out Sunday afternoon for Livable Raleigh’s public forum to discuss a proposed upzoning of more than 700 properties along the New Bern Avenue corridor. The resounding message was to ask City Council to deny the rezoning request (Z-92-22) and to put the TOD (Transit-Oriented Development) into committee for modifications. Panelists and audience members alike expressed concern about the displacement of an entire minority community. Attendees were encouraged to attend the upcoming public hearing on January 30 at 7pm at the Raleigh Municipal Building.

Official Raleigh survey – residents OPPOSE 4-Year City Council terms

Official Raleigh survey – residents OPPOSE 4-Year City Council terms

Despite having received two surveys showing lack of support for 4-year terms, council wants to ask the residents again. No District, No Age Group and No Racial or Ethnic Group show majority support for 4-year City Council terms. What part of NO are you having trouble with? Are you just planning to keep taking votes until you get the results you want?

UPDATE – City Council Retreat – Still No Details

UPDATE – City Council Retreat – Still No Details

it’s possible the details for the Council Retreat may NOT be published until Thursday, January 18, 8 days before the first day of the Council Retreat. We believe the fact that the Council Retreat has been published on the City’s Events Calendar with the dates and identified as both the City Council Annual Retreat and a City Council Meeting qualifies as formal notice of the meeting and it is past time for the details of time of day, location and virtual attendance opportunities to be given to the public so interested parties can have adequate time to make plans.