Will the New Council Fix our Crappy Missing Middle Infill Rules and End the Lawsuits?

Will the New Council Fix our Crappy Missing Middle Infill Rules and End the Lawsuits?

Livable Raleigh and other proponents of Missing Middle best practices have lobbied Council for years to engage in a community conversation toward adopting Missing Middle infill improvements on the books in other peer cities that actually promote affordability, compatibility and walkable transit access. The latest, and perhaps best rules so far, have been adopted by Sacramento, CA.

Raleigh should transition to full-time councilors

Raleigh should transition to full-time councilors

On May 7th of this year City Council voted to switch to 4-year staggered terms without putting the issue on the ballot for voters to decide, effectively buffering city council from the corrective action of Raleigh residents’ voting power. While I have heard and respect the arguments in favor of 4-year terms, it should be voted on by residents.

Council Candidates Melton, Silver & Branch Lead the Race for Developer Cash

Council Candidates Melton, Silver & Branch Lead the Race for Developer Cash

In the race for the top developer donations, Raleigh City Council candidates Jonathan Melton, Mitchell Silver or Corey Branch, are the clear developer favorites. Livable Raleigh’s analysis of NC Campaign Finance Reports show that more than 50% of these candidates’ donations – over $88,000 for Melton and $72,000 for Silver – came from development industry donors alone, with many individuals giving the maximum $6,400. One thing is certain: developers don’t hand out thousands of dollars in donations unless they expect serious payback. And sadly, it shows.

Councilors Melton and Forte stole your vote

Councilors Melton and Forte stole your vote

When you go to the polls to vote this year, you may notice something missing from your ballot. You were supposed to be able to vote on whether Raleigh City Council terms should be changed from two-year to four-year terms. But, Council Members Melton and Forte took that choice away from you. 

Character Fail

Character Fail

To date, Councilors Melton, Branch and Forte have offered no public apology or explanation for their secret decision to give themselves an extra year in office without any public notice, public comment, or public vote.

Red Hat – are Councilors performing their liaison duties?

Red Hat – are Councilors performing their liaison duties?

How is it that the pre-determined outcome of the re-location of the Red Hat Amphitheater took the City Council by surprise and left them with little to no time for public engagement or a deeper discussion of alternatives for where or how the venue could be kept downtown without closing South St? When you realize councilors Melton and Branch are both liaisons to the Convention Center and it was their JOB to know what was going on. Are they liaisons or just lazy?

Show Me the Money – 2024 Campaign Funding – UPDATED

Show Me the Money – 2024 Campaign Funding – UPDATED

A large majority of what the City Councilors are responsible for are decisions related to development. These are the candidates that the development industry is supporting. It’s up to you to decide how you want to factor this information into your voting decision.

Show Me the Money – 2024 City Council Campaign Funding

Show Me the Money – 2024 City Council Campaign Funding

This chart shows you the contributions made to the candidates for this election cycle through June 30, 2024. There will be MUCH MORE money poured into these campaigns before election day. But, you will have to wait to see that data. We are currently analyzing it from the most recent reports that were filed by the candidates on Oct 1, 2024.