Mayor Baldwin absent and excused. Mayor Pro Tem Branch presided. Raleigh City Attorney announced that she is returning to private practice on May 1. Vision Zero Program Vision Zero, a transportation safety strategy, was first implemented in the 1990s in Sweden. The...
Hybrid Meetings / Council Elections / 4×4 Meetings
If you need to discuss an issue, be brave enough to do it in public view. I’m happy to hear any justification you may have for meeting secretly and yield back my time for your response.
HIGHLIGHTS Mayor Baldwin and Councilor Melton both absent and excused from afternoon meeting; Mayor Baldwin also absent and excused from evening meeting $50k unanimously approved for Wake Legal Support Center One community center in each District will be made...
Emerging possibilities & hope
In the three years since their abominable vote, the City has continually promised to bring forth new and revolutionary citizen engagement opportunities. We’re still waiting. But now we have some reason for hope. With your help, four new council members were elected in November who value restoration of community engagement as a high priority.
Raleigh residents find renewed respect at City Council
Livable Raleigh wants to call special attention to how the presence of Raleigh residents and the information presented by speakers impacted the outcomes of the items on Council’s agenda. Never doubt that showing up and speaking out can have a strong impact on the decision-making process of our elected officials.
Raleigh City Council Retreat — January 28, 2023, Day 2
HIGHLIGHTS Councilors Jones and Black ask for agenda changes to address priorities Community Engagement Board’s immediate focus will be on improving public comment process and access to community centers for CACs New councilors ask to be involved in reviewing and...
January 24 City Council Meeting Highlights
Most rezoning cases were sent to committee or held for further discussion.
City Council Afternoon Session
The Raleigh City Council will meet for an afternoon session. Watch Council Meeting Live Stream View agendas and past minutes Visit our City Council page to find your council member and other council services. B. 1:00 P.M. REGULAR SESSION CALLED TO ORDER BY THE MAYOR...
City Council Work Session
A. 11:30 A.M. WORK SESSION CALLED TO ORDER BY THE MAYOR 1. Raleigh Growth, Annexation and City Service Coverage Overview The Raleigh City Council will meet for an afternoon session. Watch Council Meeting Live Stream View agendas and past minutes Visit our City...
City Council Budget Work Session
The Raleigh City Council will meet for a budget work session. 4:00 PM, CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER, ROOM 201 222 WEST HARGETT STREET RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA Watch Council Meeting Live Stream View agendas and past minutes Visit our City Council page to find your council...