Community Engagement Outreach at Green Road Community Library

Green Rd Community Center 4201 Green Rd, Raleigh, NC

Want to learn more about City services without the hassle of traveling downtown? Now you can! Raleigh's Community Engagement Team is visiting neighborhoods across the city, bringing resources directly to residents. Residents will have the opportunity to: Learn about projects impacting your community; Sign up for activities and classes, including our FREE English Language programs; Get assistance navigating our website and services; and, Much more!

Mayor’s Committee for Persons With Disabilities Meeting

Raleigh Pathways Center 900 S. Wilmington Street

The Mayor's Committee for Persons With Disabilities meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month from 12 to 1 p.m at the Raleigh Pathways Center. Minutes and Agendas View meeting minutes and agendas on BoardDocs Sign Up for News and Updates Sign up to receive alerts about the Mayor's Committee for Persons with Disabilities through MyRaleigh subscriptions.

Anatomy of a Traffic Stop

Chavis Community Center 505 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Raleigh, NC, United States

Join us for Anatomy of a Traffic Stop Join us for an interactive event, “Anatomy of a Traffic Stop,” hosted by the Raleigh Police Advisory Board! This event brings the community and the Raleigh Police Department together to discuss the rights and responsibilities of drivers and officers during a traffic stop. There will be a live traffic stop demonstration, with key moments paused for discussion. A prosecutor, criminal defense attorney, and RPD officer will answer questions and provide multiple perspectives.      When? Thursday, March 20 from 6 to 7:30 p.m.      Where? Chavis Community Center, 505 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Register Now!

Midtown CAC Hybrid meeting

Eastgate Park 4200 Quail Hollow Dr,, Raleigh, NC

Agenda Hybrid Midtown Citizens Advisory Council Meeting Monday, March 24, 2025, 7:00-9:00 pm Eastgate Park Community Center   1)   7:00         Call to Order and Welcome to Midtown CAC 2)   7:05         Review and Approval of January 2025 Minutes 3)   7:10         RPD Senior officer Winkle, Sergeant Garcia, District Captain Rene Lockhart                         Activity and Crime Stats Report for Midtown                         Question and Answer 4)   7:30         Community Conversation                         Larry Helfant                         Midtown CAC Chairman 5)   8:00         City Council Updates                         Mitchell Silver, District A                         Christina Jones, District E 6)   8:30         Old / New Business, Announcements, Remarks                         Rezoning / PRGAB Updates - Steve Brechbiel 8)   9:00         Adjournment In Person Location:                         Eastgate Park Community Center                         4200 Quail Hollow Drive                         Raleigh, NC 27609 Zoom Meeting Link: Available by Request Visit our Midtown CAC Facebook page:

Hillsborough-Wade CAC (Virtual)

Our next Hillsborough-Wade CAC meeting will be on Tuesday, March 25 at 7:00 PM. We will meet on Zoom, the link is below (please put this meeting on your calendar). We are skipping February and NOT meeting next week. Our March meeting will feature a presentation on AI (Artificial Intelligence). This will be a good opportunity to learn more about AI and how you can use it. Agenda • Police report. • Update from Hillsborough-Street Community Service Corporation. • Presentation about AI: understanding the basics and “how-tos” plus an overview on AI developments and how they impact us. • Update on rezoning cases in our CAC. See you next month, Mike Michael Lindsay Chair of the Hillsborough-Wade CAC Mobile: 919-429-0177 Join H-W CAC Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 894 0878 4906 Passcode: 365664 --- One tap mobile +13017158592,,89408784906#,,,,*365664# US (Washington DC) +13052241968,,89408784906#,,,,*365664# US --- Dial by your location +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 305 224 1968 US +1 309 205 3325 US +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 646 931 3860 US +1 719 359 4580 US +1 253 205 0468 US +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) […]

Police Advisory Board Meeting

Raleigh Pathways Center 900 S. Wilmington Street

The Police Advisory Board serves as a liaison between the Raleigh community and City Council. The board will help build trust and relationships between the Raleigh Police Department and the community. Location Raleigh Pathways Center 900 S. Wilmington Street Raleigh, NC 27601 Agenda View agenda and minutes on BoardDocs

Neighborhood Rezoning Meeting: 1203 Trailwood Drive

Pullen Park Community Center 408 Ashe Ave, Raleigh, NC

Mar. 26 6 p.m. Pullen Park Community Center CC Classroom 126, 408 Ashe Ave, Raleigh, NC 27606 1203 Trailwood Dr Pre-Submittal R-2 w/NCOD & SRPOD TO R-6 (Additional Information) D Molly Stuart

State of the City

Contemporary Art Museum 409 West Martin Street, Raleigh

West Raleigh CAC

West Raleigh CAC: Wednesday, March 26th at 7 pm

Sertoma Arts Center Expansion Project Open House

Sertoma Arts Center 1400 Millbrook Road, Raleigh, NC, United States

Join us at our Sertoma Arts Center Expansion Project Update Open House on Thursday, March 27 from 4 to 7 p.m. Location: Sertoma Arts Center Ages: All Cost: Free

Anderson Point Park Community Day

Anderson Point Park 20 Anderson Point Dr, Raleigh, NC

Save the Date. (postponed from 2/22) It's a perfect blend of fun, relaxation, and connection, where the bonds of the Raleigh community grow stronger, and memories are made to last a lifetime.  Dress to be outside. Rain or Shine Anderson Point Park Community Day Event DETAILS 11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.  Saturday, March 29, 2025  20 Anderson Point Park  FREE EVENT Hosted by: Barwell Road Community Center 5857 Barwell Park Drive, Raleigh  919-996-599 Ulysses J Lane VMD SECAC Chair

Archaeology at Mordecai Historic Park

Mordecai Historic Park 1 Mimosa St, Raleigh, NC

Professor John Millhauser, the Director of Anthropology for NCSU, will work backwards in time, starting with how people living in the neighborhood use the park today and moving back through the creation of the park in the 1970s, the establishment of the Mordecai neighborhood, the property during the Civil War, and the founding of Raleigh in the late 18th century. The lecture will close with the lives of Indigenous people who lived here for thousands of years before Europeans arrived. We hope you enjoy this closing lecture of the ‘Digging Deeper’ lectures series. Learn about the recent excavations at Mordecai Historic Park and what a sample of the objects found reveal about the many people whose lives have intersected here. We will work backwards in time, starting with how people living in the neighborhood use the park today and moving back through the creation of the park in the 1970s, the people who helped build the Mordecai neighborhood in the first half of the twentieth century; the people who lived on the property before, during, and after the civil war; and the people who founded Raleigh in the late eighteenth century. We will close with the lives of Indigenous people […]